【Aiden in English】 So recently, against my will, I was sent off to the University of Pennsylvania for an 'internship' in a lab. This was most likely to push me in the direction of a science career. While it may have seemed like a good opportunity, the effort for me to reach the campus was unreasonable. UPenn is located within the city of Philadelphia, while the lab, located in the dental school, is not near the train station. Essentially, my daily transportation would go as such: Mom drops me off at the train station close to her workplace, and I board the 8:30 am SEPTA train to the central city. After getting off at the 30th station, I take Lucy Circular Bus to the dental school. In total, this takes a good hour and a half to two hours. In addition, the bus I take is specifically made for UPenn. The college is enormous, a town within Philadelphia. It's mostly filled with a park and different stores and such, so walking through the place was quite enjoyable. The dental school itself seemed to be very modern, a greenhouse included. I later learned most of the buildings I worked in didn't have much to do with teeth. The team, made up of 4-5 members (I'm not sure because one was never there), I was assigned to work on the herpes virus, which obviously concerned me. Logically, we used only a portion of the virus, the RTA, so it was harmless. The RTA controls the genes that will be activated to produce the virus. Even more specifically, the team tried to find the genes in human cells herpes control that lead to cancer. Certain genes like p53 that go berserk in tumors are what the team searches for, well, at least the dude I'm working with. Another member is working with proteins, while the third kind of tag-along my guide is just there for papers and books. I, on the other hand, follow my assigned partner like a lab dog. What he does, I question and probably annoy the heck out of him.
Eventually, he left me to do some work on my own, like mini-preps of DNA for PCRs or Excel spreadsheets. I, to be honest, would not have enjoyed this if it weren't for my partner. He was an extremely chill person to talk to and ask questions about. He shared similar interests, like Rick and Morty as well as the World Cup. After a few days, I did feel at home. While this taste of an actual lab is very specifically oriented to school labs with messy benches and unorthodox conditions, it is the first time I've experienced actual science. Even though choosing my profession is years away, it is time to begin thinking, and after this 9th year of school, I've eliminated some obvious careers. This is still my first taste of an actual, advanced profession, so it does put some perspective on effort, time, and social life. The guy I stayed with often worked long past sunset, some days past midnight. I'm not sure if that is for me. He seemed extremely dedicated to his work, enjoying it thoroughly. Although I don't like losing sleep, I hope one day I can find a job like his, where working after hours is not a burden. 【紅霞譯文】
牙學院看上去相當氣派,甚至擁有花房式大廳,後來我才知道自己所在的大樓很多部門跟牙科毫無關係。教研室由四五人組成(我不太清楚具體人數,因為有一位從未露面),我分在單狀疱疹組,挺讓人提心弔膽,其實我們只用病毒反轉錄激活因子,沒多少害處,該基因掌控病毒複製,確切來講,科研人員試圖在宿主體內找出疱疹病毒整合的致癌基因,像腫瘤細胞中失控的人體抑癌基因便是他們主攻課題,說的沒錯,至少和我一起工作的小伙子側重這個方面,另一位搞蛋白研究,掛銜的導師忙於著書立說,而我儘量跟在指定的那位師兄屁股後面打雜,他着手干我動嘴問,簡直把他折騰得夠嗆。 最終他讓我獨立操作簡單程序,要麼小量提取脫氧核糖核酸並用來做聚合酶鏈式反應,要麼處理軟件數據。說心裡話,如果不是看在師徒合作份上,我並不喜歡幹這種瑣事。他處世相當穩重,既好胡吹亂侃又愛問東問西,跟我情趣相投,彼此都熱衷電視科幻動畫片《瑞克和莫蒂》及世界盃足球賽,因此用不了幾天工夫我便有賓至如歸的感覺。親身體嘗的實驗室充滿大學特色,桌面上堆滿了雜七雜八的學問,工作環境中沒有清規戒律羈絆,這是我平生頭一回見識真正的科學研究。雖然再過個把年頭我才會敲定專業,但眼下當該到了考慮的時候,何況高一年度結束我已經把某些行當排除在外。通過首次與高精尖領域零距離接觸,我總算對做事態度、投入時間和社交生活有所了解,帶我見習的哥們常常工作到天黑,有時甚至延至半夜過後,我不知道自己能否吃得消;他好像酷愛科研,完全忘乎所以陶醉其中,雖說我不願犧牲睡眠時光,但希望有早一日像他那樣找到自己喜歡的工作,即便加班加點也在所不計。 Today in History(歷史上的今天):
2017: Upper Danube—Passau to Linz(多瑙河上游—三河市至通靈市) 2017: Danube—Jochenstein Lock, Germany(德國多瑙河—神造石水閘) 2017: Passau the God's Ballroom, DEU(德國三河市—天宮聖境) 2017: Passau the City of Three Rivers, DEU(德國帕紹—三河之城) 2017: Passau Organ Concert, Germany(德國三河市—管風琴音樂會) 2016: Frederiksborg the Danish Versailles, DK(丹麥耕地—水晶宮) 2016: Frederiksberg Palace & N Zealand, DNK(丹麥王堡宮和北西蘭)
2016: Kronborg Hamlet Castle, Denmark(丹麥皇冠宮小家城堡) 2013: Drama Camp-2(戲劇夏令營之二)
Cira Centre Tower & 30th Street Station (太陽中心大廈和第30街車站)
The Waiting Hall, 30th Street Station (第30街車站·候車大廳)
Drexel Univ (翻轉大學)
Drexel Univ (翻轉大學) Dranoff One Riverside (英俊河畔公寓一號)
FMC Bldg (食品機械公司大廈)
PECO Building (費城電力公司大廈) Roberts Ctr. for Pediatric Research of CHOP (費城兒童醫院羅伯茨兒科研究中心)
Walnut St (胡桃街)
Schuylkill Yards (暗河開發地)
W Girard Ave (西勇敢之矛大街)
Ukrainian Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (烏克蘭聖母無原罪大教堂) Mural Art—Tiresome (壁畫藝術《厭煩》)
Mural Art—Philadelphia's Seventh Ward (壁畫藝術《費城第七區》)
Bus Station (汽車站)
SEPTA R5 Train (賓夕法尼亞州東南部運輸局R5通勤車)
Glenside Station (峽谷邊站)
Gwynedd Valley Station (圭內德谷站)
Olney (島站)
North Wales Station (北外地人站) Crosslinks(相關博文): A Mini Merry Christmas Museum, PA(賓州微型聖誕快樂博物館) Dickens Village @ Philly Macy's(費城美西狄更斯村)
Salute to Vienna in Philadelphia(費城“向維也納致敬”) Fairmont Park in Philadelphia(費城友善公園) A Day in Philadelphia(記費城一天)
費城自然博物館(Academy of Natural Sciences, PHL)
費城開心觸摸博物館(Please Touch Museum, PHL)
費城自由地主科學博物館(Franklin Institute, PHL) USA(出遊美國) 9th Grade(高中一年級) |