2011-01-05 阳历年一过,农历新年──春节便昂首阔步进入咱中国人的视线。每年跟春节捱得最近的那个星期天,一定是孩子所在的宾州光华中文学校师生家长同欢共乐的传统日子。 上次,一向专职给孩子当“狗仔”的我闻风而动,自告奋勇为学校春节联欢会做义务摄影;这回,我摇身一变,将兼职出任学校大型文艺娱乐活动的“节目策划”,紧随导演──游校长身后当学徒!头一会跟自己特长不着边际的差事较劲,真不知道自己是半斤还是八两?出门能否找到北?难怪,我心里一直不停地打鼓,心正虚脑犯懵眼冒花腿发抖,根本不知从何下手。都说风水轮流转,天晓得我怎么拿捏这台戏! 想来想去,我无论如何要仰仗游校长的指导栽培和热心服务的会务骨干撑腰打气,千方百计得赘上各界朋友的鼎立相助和家长学生的积极配合。否则,即便我想上刀山下火海,或者能八九七十二变使出浑身解数,都难以胜任这个具有划时代历史意义的使命。 转眼间,就到了我说干非得干的时候。 联欢会的硬件结构──场地的选择迫在眉睫。光华中文学校迄今尚没有属于自个的校舍,租赁来的蒙哥马利“巨人山”郡社区学院也没有能够容纳八百来号观众的礼堂。于是,我以学校为中心,方圆十几哩地的五所高中成为我端详思量的目标。上潮池高中(Upper Dublin HS)正在翻修改建,鲶鱼溪高中(Wissahickon HS)被本校音乐节占用,北宾州高中(North Penn HS)和山丘高中(Methacton HS)两校星期天禁止对外开放,草帽城─马舍高中(Hatboro-Horsham HS)是仅存的一个。 我只好有的放矢,三番五次打电话送伊妹儿发传真向草帽城─霍沙姆高中求助。对方爽快利索非常豁达,二话不说就答应了下来。倒是$5500美元的场地使用费,真把学校给难为住了。 资金的筹集这个软件核心凸显出来。如今经济萧条通货膨胀,物价奄不出声猛涨一气。我便宜,但场地使用费不便宜喔!我若不四处求爷爷拜奶奶,把八竿子能触及到的地方全部横扫一遍,这笔巨额租金如何支付?没辄儿,我灯下赶紧翻书本查字典,顺便拽上快到八岁的孩子一起商量对策。人多力量大,泰山压顶咱至少不会折腰! 与此同时,我不得不把眼光聚集到自己眼前十英寸见长半英尺见方的募捐草案上,将希望寄托在周围膀大腰圆财大气粗的企业商家身上。多亏正准备报考大学文学院的温迪忙里偷闲,特意帮我润色具有中国特色伴有汉语拼(口)音的英文措辞。 我努力,而且正在加倍努力! 谨上
游校长 【English】 Dear Sir or Madam,
Since 2005, Guanghua Chinese School has provided thousands of children in our community opportunities for classroom instruction, cultural programs, and special events, all of which cultivate awareness of Chinese culture. These countless possibilities are made possible through the generous donations of community leaders like you. Your previous donation has enabled the school to purchase a new copier machine, fund school field sports events along with Chinese speech/poster contests, start a scholarship fund for children to pay for school activities, and sponsor the graduation of 120 students, all of whom started college studies immediately afterward. Without your generosity and support, none of this could have been possible. Our goal is to raise $10,000 by early 2011 to hold our annual Chinese New Year Gala, an art and cultural performance by the school's students. The Gala will be held at Hatboro-Horsham High School on February 6, 2011. Providing our children with this type of opportunity sets a precedent for their future successes and growth as teenagers and adults. We hope you will continue to support our children by helping us reach our fundraising goal. We greatly appreciate your time and continued support. For more information, please get in touch with me
directly at GuangHuaSchool@guanghuachinese.org. The check can be made payable to Guang Hua Chinese School, PO Box 444, Spring House, PA 19477 Yours sincerely,
The Principal of Guanghua Chinese School

Cozy Sleep Bag (舒适的睡袋 01-13-2004) 
G1B Nursery Rhyme @ GHCS Gala (光华中文学校春晚·一年级B班童谣表演 02-14-2010)
Crosslink(相关博文): 小学二年级(2nd Grade) |