2013-11-11 【Aiden in English】
It was another one of those weekends where you're just slumped against the couch, bored out of your mind, and waiting for the day to pass. I couldn't believe my mom grounded me. Seriously, I only went past the curfew by a few minutes! Alright, I admit it, it was more than that. "If only I could just fly out of here!" I thought. Then, as if by magic, my feet lifted off of the ground. I couldn't believe it. "Was I flying?" I asked myself. "Oh, well, at least I had a way to get out of this house." So, I concentrated, and just as my head was about to explode, I shot up like a human cannonball. A moment later, a wave of pain coursed through my body. I opened my eyes, and with my head still throbbing. I looked down to see a human-sized hole in the roof of my house. I was flying! Flying was more complicated than I thought. I willed myself to go forward, and as I slowly inched toward town, I imagined myself flying like Superman and kicking bad guys' butts. The next thing I knew, I was free-falling. I couldn't believe that a brief distraction would disrupt my flying ability! I had to think fast or end up like a pancake on the ground. I gathered all my strength and concentrated, but I could only angle myself toward my neighbor's lake. I was about to do the world's most oversized belly flap when something caught me by the stomach. The thing set me on the ground, and as I looked up, I saw my mom standing there with a large frown. All I could do was gape at her with an open mouth. I knew she was going to give me the worst punishment, but what I didn't expect was a compliment. "Not bad for the first time," she said, "but you need to focus more." She told me that her whole family could fly. "I expected you would sooner or later learn to fly, " she said. From that day on, I began to master flying and learn more to control myself in flight. And never again did my mom ground me for breaking curfew. 【红霞译】
本以为自己会严遭惩罚,没想到却被妈妈表扬了一通﹕“好小子,第一次就飞成这样,实在不赖哇。”她说﹕“不过,你应该多加专注。”她又告诉我,其全家都有飞翔特异功能,“我料定你迟早能学会飞翔。”她补充道。 从那天起,我开始掌握飞翔技艺,更多地要提高空中自我控制能力,妈妈再也没有因为晚睡问题而批评过我。 
American Football (美式橄榄球 11-05-2013) 
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5th Grade(小学五年级) |