【Aiden in English】
The lemurs of Madagascar had big eyes and looked the size of a cat. Their long, puffy tails dangled down while they rested. It was an endemic primate, and Mom and I didn't want to miss it. In addition, the lemurs were so famous that they were featured in the Hollywood cartoon Madagascar by King Julien. We boarded a Dinghy, a small speed boat like a tender, and came to Nosy Be Island, Madagascar. From there, we went to the Lemur Isles of Nosy Komba, an idyllic and lush island home to thousands of lemurs. From the Fisherman's Village to the Black Lemurs Sanctuary, the first lemur we saw happened to be a black male, while the female was brown. However, nobody was looking at this one! Where was everybody? My question was answered when somebody screamed. Over the hill, a crowd of people was gathered around a lemur that appeared to be standing on somebody's shoulder. The tour guide was holding a banana to attract the lemur. The lemur would leap off the person and back onto the tree as it waited for another free snack. When I was finally the first in line, the lemur seemed so complete that it wouldn't eat the banana the tour guide gave me. As we went on, I spotted something I'd always wanted to do: holding a snake, not a regular one. It was a boa constrictor! The reptile creature was almost four feet long, and nobody would dare touch it. The boa constrictor was hanging around the tour guide's neck. When he saw me, he pulled me forward and hung it around my neck. Immediately, cameras started flashing. By the looks of it, everyone thought I was fearless or foolish. But sometimes, you have to be brave and foolish to accomplish something. 【红霞译】
马达加斯加狐猴长有一双巨眼,大小如猫,蓬松的长尾巴摆来晃去从不歇息,这就是当地特有的灵长类原猴。正因如此,我和妈妈到访印度洋岛国时绝不想失之交臂。狐猴扬名海外,曾在好莱坞动漫电影《马达加斯加 》中担任主要角色——首神之子国王。
穿过渔村进入黑狐猴保护区,当第一狐猴从眼前经过,立刻吸引了我们高度注意,这是黑色公狐猴,与棕色母狐猴截然不同。问题在于周围竟然空无一人,游客都跑到哪里去了?小山那边传来尖叫声,我才终于明白怎么回事。原来一大群人正围观一只狐猴,它站在游客的肩膀上东张西望,导游手拿香蕉以吸引其注意力,这样狐猴可以老老实实为游人当模特,人们也学着不停地喂狐猴,狐猴频繁在游客和绿树之间跳来跳去,等好不容易轮到我,狐猴早已撑得吃不下了。 沿山路继续前进过程中,我终于发觉梦寐以求的东西,那就是亲自动手抓一条并非普通的蛇,眼前这一条是蟒蛇,身长足有四英尺,正缠在导游脖子上,非常吓人!导游见我而来,顺手把蟒蛇放到我身上,骤然之间,闪光灯四起,快门声不绝于耳,从观众面部表情上我可以猜出,大家要么羡慕我胆大包天,要么嫉恨我愚昧无知。其实,世人欲想办成什么事情,有时候还是需要勇气胆量的。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: Malvinas/Falkland Is in S America(南美马尔维纳斯群岛/福克兰群岛) 2010: 节日聚会(Holiday Party) 2009: 澳洲塔斯马尼亚荒原(Tasmania, Australia) 
Nautica Oceania (“大洋·航海”号游轮) 
Les Trois Frères (仨兄弟岛)

Nosy Be (大岛) 
Fishing Village @ Nosy Be (大岛·渔村) 
Nosy Vorona (乌鸦岛)

Nosy Komba (岩岛) 
Ampangorina @ Nosy Komba (岩岛·大猩猩村 12-30-2013)

Rocky Coast @ Ampangorina (大猩猩村·礁石海岸 12-30-2013) 
Pier of Ampangorina (大猩猩港 12-30-2013) 
Meet Local Kids @ Ampangorina (大猩猩村·遇见当地孩子们 12-30-2013)

Feed Turtles @ Ampangorina (大猩猩村·喂养乌龟 12-30-2013) 
Play Boa Constrictor @ Ampangorina (大猩猩村·亲近蟒蛇 12-30-2013) 
Chameleon (变色龙) 
Carry Male in Black & Female in Brown Lemur @ Ampangorina (大猩猩村·背着黑色公狐猴河棕色雌狐猴 12-30-2013) 
Males w/ Black Ear Tufts & Females w/ White Ear Tufts (雄性狐猴黑耳簇与雌性狐猴白耳簇 12-30-2015) 
King Julien in the Movie Madagascar (《马达加斯加 》首神之子国王) 
King Julien in Movie Madagascar (《马达加斯加 》首神之子国王)

Luxury & Idleness (无忧无虑) 
Bucolic Walks (田园步伐) 
Peaceful & Nonchalant Ampangorina (大猩猩村·平和恬然 12-30-2013) 
Embroidery @ Ampangorina (大猩猩村·手工刺绣 12-30-2013)

Thatched Gallery @ Ampangorina (大猩猩村·茅屋艺苑 12-30-2013) 
Food Stall w/ Donuts & Fried Fish @ Ampangorina (岩岛村·香酥圈饼与油炸鲜鱼地摊 12-30-2013)

Open-Air Kitchen (开放式厨房) 
Free-Range Hen & Chick (返璞归真)

Ampangorina Closed in by Trees (大猩猩村·绿树成荫 12-30-2013) 
Ampangorina Hidden from the Eyes of Men (岩岛村·天方夜谭) 
Retreat away from the Busy World @ Ampangorina (大猩猩村·远离闹市 12-30-2013) 
Vendor Pirogue (独木舟摊贩) 
Toscana Dining (托斯卡納餐厅 12-30-2013) Crosslinks(相关博文): Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) Africa (漫游非洲) 5th Grade(小学五年级) |