2014-03-29 【Aiden in English】 I wasn't so excited when Dad said we were going to a Spring party because it was 100% girls. As soon as I arrived, the only boy was a 7-month-old baby, and four girls aged 6 to 15. All we could do was shuffle Math24, Bowl, and Kemp cards. After a light dinner, I went back to messing with the cards. Later, the excellent news came when the hosts mentioned a Wii downstairs. Until then, the other girl about my age was on Instagram and Snapchat, but she must have the same love for gaming as I did, and she sprinted with me at her heels in no time. We sat down and played Super Mario Bros. Time shot forward like a bullet, except when the party pooper came to town. The house owner's daughter wasn't a gamer. She couldn't even get past the 1st level of Mario. Fortunately, it was good enough to take her to the Bowser Jr. Castle before she completely messed up and walked into one of the Dry Bones. But still, it was a ton of fun. To me, nothing seemed like gaming to spice up a party. 【红霞译】
我们坐下来一起玩《超级马里奥兄弟》,时光飞逝。期间有人问东道西,不时地打断我们。原来主人家的女儿不善游戏,其玩技甚至连初级水平都达不到,好在我轻车熟路,在她深陷泥潭无法自拔之际及时指点迷津,带领她勇闯鲍泽小城堡,我们极为开心。 在我看来,当今没有什么东西能比游戏更加调剂聚会的品味。 
Spring Blooms (春暖花开 02-23-2014) 
Spring Party (春宵聚会 02-23-2014)
Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级)