2014-04-01 愚人节 【Aiden in English】
Math, I think, is my best subject. I'm not saying I'm not good at reading or writing, but math was just my thing. Now I like math. However, when it comes to PSSA Math, no matter how much you like a subject, it isn't rescuing you from the terror, boringness, and stress. I'm a year ahead of my 5th grade at school in math. So the boringness doubled in the test. The questions were like, "Larry had two packs of soda, and he needed 36. If each pack had nine cans, then how many more packs did Larry need?" and I'm like, " Uhhhhh... (until I die)..." Nevertheless, I had to do my best, or else I'd be seeing my grave with the words "RIP. Here lies Aiden F. G., who didn't try on PSSA!" And Mom would be one of the murderers due to a temper tantrum over my lousy grade. I guess I had to respect the PSSA Math a little. Why a little? It threw in a loop-de-loop mainly for all the multiple choices. Most were disregarded immediately. But occasionally, I'd take a minute to laugh my head off at a weird mistake, such as an extra word (OK, I didn't laugh out loud, but my insides were hysterically laughing). 【红霞译】
眼下在学校里,我正选修比现有同学高一年即六年级的数学课程,因此,参加五年级统考的无聊指数成倍增长。考题大致如此:“拉里有2箱苏打饮料,而他需要36罐。如果每箱有9罐,那么拉里到底需要多少箱﹖”我禁不住“哼”个不停(直到寿终正寝)。不管怎样,我必须竭尽全力,否则届时本人墓碑上准保刻有“安息吧儿歌,瞧你这位对宾州数学统考不屑一顾的家伙﹗”妈妈因我渎职而气急败坏,必定成为置我于死地的帮凶之一。 我必须稍微重视一点宾州数学统考,之所以说稍微,是因为多数考题故作玄虚,考生必须谨慎地从多种选择中找出正确答案。当然,不少错误选择一目了然,很快便被淘汰出局。对题目中某些稀奇古怪的选择,我常常忍俊不禁。(好吧,我表面上并未笑出声来,但内心的确歇斯底里地偷着大乐。) 
Post Winter Storm (暴风雪后 02-22-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |