2014-04-18 Good Friday 【Aiden in English】 As individuals, we are fragile. But together, we become strong. Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. That is how the Guanghua Chinese School is dedicated to teaching Chinese and promoting Chinese traditional culture, for many people are reaching out to keep our unique heritage going. The Guanghua Chinese School is a non-profit organization in Greater Philadelphia, PA. Its activities entirely rely on our generous financial supporters to bring our culture and heritage alive. The donations, volunteering, and support have made a significant difference and inched us to what is now a tremendous Chinese community. In the past year, the Guanghua Chinese School has succeeded through the combined support of tuition, business, community, and parents like you! It's your continued financial support that helps to keep our school a vital community resource. To enrich the next generation's lives and provide a reward for their future, you, as parents, have sacrificed priceless time and contributed hundreds or even thousands of dollars out of your own pockets. Some of them donated $600 in cash and requested their company, Merck, to match their contribution every year, while the other pledged an amount of $1300 via Dow Chemical Co. at once this year. Your time and dollars allow our school to bring the best engaging, intellectual, and educational programs to 776 kids who attend the Guanghua Chinese School. The Guanghua Chinese School thrives on people helping each other and giving things up to learn or teach the fundamentals. Every little helps a nickel. That's why we are getting stronger with your continued support and financial aid. 【红霞译】
宾州光华中文学校是大费城地区非盈利性组织,各种校内外活动完全依赖于社会各方慷慨资助,有了这些经济支持,才能确保我们传承中华文化衣钵。义务捐款、无偿服务、社区公益,蕴涵着志愿者拳拳爱心,不仅成就了宾州光华中文学校,同时还滋润着当地华人社区。 过去一年中,宾州光华中文学校的成功离不开学杂费、企业赞助、社团捐赠和家长们的财力支持﹗你们持续不断的无私贡献,有助于宾州光华中文学校发展成为华人社区中重要一员。为了丰富下一代精神生活,激励总计776位在校学生树立长远目标,有的家长每年捐款$600美元,并积极带动其工作单位默克公司贡献相等数量的资金,连续多年一直无私支持教育事业﹔还有一位在美国陶氏化学公司工作的家长,今年一次出资$1300赞助学校公益活动。家长们不但无偿付出了许多宝贵时间,而且还义务出资成百上千美元赞助中文教育,正因为你们的鼎力帮助,才使得学校最大可能地培养出更多德智体全面发展的栋梁之材。 宾州光华中文学校的蓬勃发展依赖于彼此相互帮助、个人自我牺牲、教师的因材施教和学生的勤学苦练。集腋成裘,聚沙成塔。没有你们坚持不懈的热心支持和经济资助,学校根本不可能像今天这样越办越好。 
Cafe Bakery (咖啡面包店 04-18-2014)
Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |