2014-04-22 Earth Day 【Aiden in English】
Seventy-four years ago, Reading Olympics started with the idea of making reading fun in the school districts of Montgomery County, PA. Well, congratulations! You failed. Now, I can't read the books I like, have to wake up early every Tuesday and discuss with my teammates at school for 4 months. There are 40 children's books required for all voluntary participants to read. They were randomly selected by the Committee of teachers and librarians based on Newbery Medal Awards, Best Illustrations, the most popular sequels, and Best Selling over the years. So, there was no bloody, violent, or adult language; other than that, the books varied greatly. Overall, the books were okay, but one significantly stood out: Artemis Fowl. It was one of the most hilarious, addicting, suspending books ever! Even though I didn't have a reason, I liked it so much. Reading Olympics isn't as cool as it sounds. Reading, reading, reading, and guess what, more reading. The only time it isn't reading is at the competition, which is intense. This year, three teams represent my school to compete at the intermediate level. Each team is comprised of about 12 kids from 5th-6th grades who volunteer to participate in the events. Our team met weekly before school started in the morning and discussed the books we read. Each person read at least six books, so everyone knew the answer to the competition. All questions were based on a list of 40 books. One team will meet another team from a different school in the competition. However, the Reading Olympics isn't about competition against each other but teamwork. It relies on your reading skills and a bit of luck. Why? In the Reading Olympics, each team is asked 20 questions in every round. If a team answers a question wrong, then the other team can get a chance to steal. So, if you faced a good team, you'd better secure your points. The highest prize in the Blue Ribbon is 50 points, and each question costs one point. Since there are only 20 points per round and three rounds, each round needs at least 17 points. From the beginning, those 17 points seemed so far away. My team of Awesome Fluffy Unicorns came against the Yellow from Abington SD. They had two mistakes and four steals, while we had five mistakes. Not the best way to start the game. Next, we continued to lose, ending up with 16 points. Two rounds gave us only 31 points, and for the last round, we wanted a whopping 19 points! So, I was walking into the room, and the first question was asked. The other team in Green, with all the girls, answered it incorrectly, and bam! We had our first steal of the round. Maybe the Green team wasn't as good as the Yellow. It turned out that they performed even worse than expected and ended with 11, while we topped 50 by one point. No matter what, everyone should re-read the book 'cause the more you read, the more precise you have on your mind. I think that the Reading Olympics isn't a bummer after all. 【红霞译】 七十四年前,阅读奥林匹克赛就开始在宾州蒙哥马利“巨人山”郡各学区举行,目的在于激励学生的阅读兴趣。好吧,恭喜你,其效果适得其反!现在我既不能读自己喜欢的书,还得每星期二早起赶到学校与队友一道讨论读书心得,前后持续长达四个月之久。
从比赛一开始,这17分好像遥不可及,我们“帅男靓女毛毛绒绒独角兽”队首轮与阿宾顿学区黄队交锋,尽管他们错失2分,但大大方方从我们这里“偷”去4分;我们首场答错五题,出师极为不利。接下来,我们又以16分的成绩败北。两轮下来,我们可怜巴巴仅得31分;最后一轮里,我们必须拼命争回19分! 等我走进最后一轮比赛教室,双方对决即刻拉开序幕。对方绿队为清一色女生,第一道题便出现失误,千载难逢的机会到了!我们头回“偷”分成功。也许绿队不及早先的黄队实力殷实,反正她们临场表现不佳,最后一轮只得11分;而我们连“偷”带抢,一下子赢得总成绩51分。回过头来看,欲想赢得比赛,平常大家最好多读一遍看过的书籍,因为温故才能加深印象。由此说来,我觉得阅读奥林匹克赛还是挺有意思的。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2010: 停课此岸,快乐彼岸!(No School upon Strike)
2009: 玩中学(Learning Through Play)
Unicorn Boys (帅男独角兽 04-22-2014)
Mr. Eshleman & Unicorn Team (埃什尔曼图书馆老师带领的独角兽队)
Reading Olympics (阅读奥林匹克赛 04-22-2014)
20 Questions/Round X3 (每轮20道题共三轮 04-22-2014)
Artemis Fowl (《阿特米斯奇幻历险》04-22-2014)
Blue Ribbon w/ 50 Points (蓝丝带最高头奖总分50分 04-22-2014) Crosslinks(相关博文): 阅读奥林匹克
5th Grade(小学五年级) |