【Aiden in English】
Our season started well with a win over the Green Hawks, and the team wanted to win another game. But it wasn't happening. The opponent in gray gave us a run for our money in the second half. They were up by 3-2, and our offense was not fast enough to score. In addition, they had a tiny kid, Achilles (#7), who zipped around the field, colliding with our defense. And yet, we didn't give up. The gray team made a fatal mistake with less than 3 minutes on the clock. The goalie kicked the ball outside the penalty box and didn't stand inside the goal to block shots. The kick seemed like a pass to one of our players. We took the chance to bury the ball into the upper right corner of the net, tying the game at 3-3. And as always, the grass always survives when working together. 【红霞译】 本赛季首场对“绿鹰”队的比赛取得了开门红,我们士气大震,欲求乘胜追击再下一城。
然而事与愿违,身穿灰色队服的球队下半场给我们来了个下马威,对方以三比二领先﹔我队前锋速度不快,导致进攻失利。除此之外,他们有一小个子队员名叫阿基里斯,场上跑前跑后,踢得生龙活虎,几度突破我们后卫防守。 好在我们积极拼搏,终场三分钟前,灰队犯下一个致命错误,清道夫守门员光顾得跑出禁区,试图将球踢出以解除危机,而忘记应该坚守家门,严防我们钻空子。问题在于,他无意将球踢到我队球员脚下,我们抓住机会,最终把球从右上角射入球门,比分被扳回三比三平。世间事物总是这样,只有团结奋战,才能克敌制胜。 
Direct Free Kick (直接任意球 04-26-2014) 
Breakthrough (突破 04-26-2014) 
Throw-in (掷界外球 04-26-2014) 
Block Tackle (正面抢截 04-26-2014) 
Ball Handling (控制球 04-26-2014) 
Make A Clearance (大脚解围 04-26-2014) 
Tie @ 3 All (比赛结果三比三平·友谊第一比赛第二)

Goal Kick (球门球 04-26-2014) 
Soccer Fan (足球迷 04-26-2014) 
Fitness Ctr @ Lansdale YMCA (兰斯代尔基督教青年会·健身房 04-26-2014) 
Martin Pool @ Lansdale YMCA (兰斯代尔基督教青年会·马丁泳池 04-26-2014) 
Shark @ Lansdale YMCA (兰斯代尔基督教青年会·鲨鱼组 04-26-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |