2014-05-23 【Aiden in English】
Public elementary schools in the US are no place to run a 200-meter dash, swim a 100-yard sprint, throw a 20-pound javelin, or any Olympic events. So this Friday before Memorial Day, the Long Weekend, Montgomery ES hosted an Olympic Day to have the same excitement as the actual Olympics. Our gym teacher, Mr. Theodore, created eight original games for the whole school to play, and all four teams were picked to play against one another. I was on Team Red for the fourth year in a row. As soon as the games began, my confidence dropped like a stone. My team members were girls; most seemed more focused on music and dancing than the games. I got to go two times more than the girls, but I wasn't interested in the games either. What made me enjoy myself was competing against friends. It was nice to have organized games to play for fun yet aim at the goal of striving for first place. Speaking of No. 1, the final score was: Black, 1036; Red, 1048; Green, 1098; Blue, 1118. Coincidentally, Blue won last year, too. As I said, however, it was more about having fun and competing with friends, both of which I had a lot. 【红霞译】
我被分在红队,这是本人连续第四年代表红队角逐奥运会。比赛一开始,我的自信心立刻一落千丈。队中成员多为女生,她们往往把心思投注在音乐和跳舞方面而非竞技场上,我得加倍挺身而出,其实我也不太喜欢这些项目。不过,能与朋友同台竞技,携手参与有组织的游戏比赛,并为争夺第一各显身手,反倒令我开心不已。 说起第一,比赛结果﹕黑队1036分﹔红队1048分﹔绿队1098分﹔蓝队1118分。无巧不成书,去年蓝队曾荣膺过冠军称号。然而正如我早先所说的那样,本次奥运会本着“友谊第一,比赛第二”的方针,我在与朋友并肩拼搏的同时收获了许多快乐。 【以下相片均由达达尔瓦拉先生提供 (All Photos Courtesy of Mr. Dadarwala)】 
Mascot Mtn Lion (吉祥物·山狮) 
Band (管乐队 05-23-2014) 
Ophthalmological Ball (眼球游戏 05-23-2014) 
Ophthalmological Ball (眼球游戏 05-23-2014) 
Rocket Launching (火箭发射) 
Target (打靶 05-23-2014) 
Snake in My Pants (我裤子里有蛇 05-23-2014)
Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |