【Aiden in English】
Carnegie Hall of NYC is among the best places to show your musical talents worldwide. The performances are held in majestic rooms, and the audience is treated to the comfiest seats. That being said, I was selected to perform the piano solo in Weill Recital Hall as a gold winner of the Golden Key Music Festivity. A long journey began with the piano recital held by my dearest piano teacher, Mrs. Solaiman, and a live audition took place at Golden Key Music Festival. I was going to play three minutes of Sonata Hob. XVI/6: Allegro in G by J. Haydn, a classical masterpiece on piano. I became so psyched this morning. If a cartoonist could capture the moment I woke up, he would probably draw steam shooting out my ears and my head on fire. That all changed when I stepped onto the stage. Stage fright overpowered my amazement. While playing my first note, something told me the performance wouldn't go great. It turned out that I was right. Gone was the fluid motion that piano artists always had. The smooth, quiet texture of the sonata flew out the window. As I started to get the tempo, things slowed down. I controlled the speed, which allowed my arms to swing gracefully and also gave me time to cover up my mistakes. It came out OK, even though I forced myself to smile, and all I wanted was to zoom off stage. As much as I felt embarrassed, it was one of the most incredible memories ever. 【红霞译文】
难怪今早我特别激动,如果漫画家能够捕捉到本人醒来那一瞬间,他定会勾勒出我两耳喷气满头冒火。待我登台表演之际,所有一切发生了天翻地覆的变化,恐惧怯场取代内心欢愉,随着第一音符从指间游离而出,昂扬的斗志立刻消失得无影无踪。 正如我所说的,如果钢琴艺术家缺乏“行到水穷处,坐看云起时”那种表现流畅旋律的艺术手法,奏鸣曲平稳、安详的特质便会荡然无存。我开始调整表演节奏,让心态逐渐稳定下来。一旦速度控制得当,我的手臂随音乐开始翩翩起舞,驾驭音色变化的能力得以充分发挥。谢幕时虽然我皮笑肉不笑,巴不得赶紧退场,但从总体来说弹得挺好。撇开稍微有点尴尬窘态不说,本次演出叫我终生难忘。

Carnegie Hall (卡内基音乐厅) 
Golden Key Music Festival 2014 on NYC's Newsday (纽约新闻日报·2014年金键盘音乐节)

Weill Carnegie Hall (卡内基威尔独奏厅) 
Sonata Hob. XVI6 Allegro in G by Haydn (海顿《G大调奏鸣曲—霍博肯十六第六首﹕快板》05-31-2014) 
The Ceremony (颁奖典礼 05-31-2014) 
Post-Performance (演出后 05-31-2014)

Piano Recital @ Jacobs Music (取代者乐器商店·钢琴汇报演出 03-08-2014) 
Mrs.Solaiman & Some of Students @ Jacobs Music (取代者乐器商店·陈老师与其部分学生 03-08-2014) 
Times Square (时代广场 05-31-2014)

Sheriff Woody @ Times Square (时代广场·“林中排房”警长 05-31-2014)

Statue of Liberty @ Times Square (时代广场·自由女神) 
Golden Key Scores (金色键盘评分记录) Crosslinks(相关博文): 2013年卡内基金键盘音乐节(2013 Golden Key in Carnegie Hall)
5th Grade(小学五年级) |