【Aiden in English】
The first day of summer camp is always challenging because there are so many things you don't know. The kids and counselors are different. The camp near the YMCA is different. The Sports Combo program is different. Everything is different. And on this very day, I adopted that difference. As I stepped out of Dad's car, I felt like I was entering a world of strangers. I knew no one. That all changed when I met my group. They were friendly, and I liked most of their personalities. They accepted me without hesitation and treated me as an equal, which was awesome. I received no criticism in kickball, where I was one of the best. One kid even asked for my name. His name was Alex, and he was humorous and friendly. Alex told me and explained things to me. I quickly realized he felt like a true friend, and I was sure we would have relations. 【红霞译】
当走出爸爸的汽车之后,我仿佛进入陌生世界,眼前没有一位熟人。不过,一旦与同组的营员会面,所有的忐忑不安立刻烟消云散。他们非常友善,个性有嘉,毫不犹豫地接纳了我,待我像自己的朋友那样,令我释怀。 夏令营开头一天令人困扰,因为很多未知的东西,同伴不识,辅导员不熟,基督教青年会附近的营地不知,体育综合活动内容不清,总而言之,一切不尽相同。此时此刻,我努力适应这种不同。 在本人擅长的踢球项目上,我表现不错,有位同伴前来询问我的姓名。他叫亚历克斯,风趣温和,主动介绍事情并解释给我听,我很快发觉他如同挚友,相信彼此会建立起友谊。 
YMCA Swimming Pool @ Lansdale (兰斯代尔镇·基督教青年会游泳池) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |