2014-06-30 【Aiden in English】
Today, I feel as if I finally accomplished something in the world of Pokémon, catching three Eevees and two Zoroarks and beating the champion for the 5th straight time. It was amazing that my money piled up sky-high after defeating about 50 trainers. Everyone in the basketball camp was crowded around me for a long time. They all watched me play. And boy, I must say, I felt like a celebrity. After all, I was one of the best in the area, was I not? The kids had fights overseeing my Nintendo 3DS because everyone was so desperate. As you know, sometimes kids of my generation make friends through video games. The electrics have too much power and control over our lives in those days. But if that makes me a celebrity, I don't care. 【红霞译】
篮球夏令营里,我一度被大家围得水泄不通,人人注视我一举一动。天哪,此时此刻我俨然成为知名人士。没错,谈及《神奇宝贝》,我的确是一位游戏行家,难道不是吗﹖同伴们争先恐后地挤到我跟前,都是为了要仔细观摩我如何摆弄任天堂三维游戏机。 众所周知,我们这一代年轻人有时得靠视频游戏结交朋友,当今电子产品无处不在,甚至主导我们的日常生活。但是,如果一举成为这方面明星,我倒觉得没有什么了不起。 
Pokémon Fans (《神奇宝贝》迷 11-05-2013) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |