【Aiden in English】 Today, we did what everyone at Basketball Camp was waiting for. We had a 90-minute 5-on-5 game with subs. To put it simply, it was chaotic. Fouls were called every few minutes, primarily half-court violations, since the younger kids were afraid to go to the basket. There were also a lot of offensive fouls that probably resulted from kids who didn't have enough skill to dribble around others. Technical fouls were often whistled, and tempers began to rise. Everyone thought that it would be fun, but soon, fights broke out. The most significant problem was the little kids. They wouldn't pay attention or try. They just went where the ball was, and the little kids dodged the ball instead of catching passes. When the game finally ended, I noticed that our team lost. I didn't care, though. No one did. We were just all glad it was over. 【红霞译】
长话短说,整场比赛打得乱七八糟,每隔几分钟就出现犯规,其中大部分犯规都是因为年龄较小的营员不敢闯入篮下而把球传回半场造成的。还有不少进攻性犯规,由于缺乏足够的传球技术,本来应该带球迂回绕过对方球员,楞要横冲直闯以致带球撞人。技术犯规常常引发双方口角,结果大家乘兴而来,败兴而归。 问题主要出在低年级营员身上,他们要么精力分散,要么满不在乎。实际上,这些孩子只跟着球跑来跑去,不是设法抓住球,而是见球便躲闪起来。直到终场,我才发现我们队输了。说句实话,我并非在意胜负,同伴也是如此,大家反倒庆幸球赛彻底结束。 
Celebration of March Madness @ Montgomery ES (蒙哥马利小学·庆祝三月疯狂 04-07-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |