【Aiden in English】
To me, Sports Summer Camp is supposed to be all about fun. No talent or skill, just fun. But it's not so fun that kids get hurt if you ignore basic techniques. That happened at today's 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade soccer. No one cared about scoring except for the counselors. At one time, the 4th-grade counselor came flying toward our goal. I stepped in the way of his shot. Was there any consequence? Getting hit in my right cheek with a ball kicked from two feet or more than a half meter away by a 20-year-old guy made my eyes blur. Ouch! But it didn’t seem as bad as our goalkeeper. She was chatting away with her friend when some kid blasted the ball into the side of her nose. She got a bloody nose, and the game ended there. Soccer is characterized by speed, strength, accuracy, foot and eye coordination, playmaking, passing, driving, bravery heading, slide tackle, determination, endurance, protecting yourself, etc. However, this game was more about the lack of skill that caused injuries. Nobody had enough potential to run around the defenders, so the kids ran through them. I think that sometimes, skills are required for sports like soccer. 【红霞译】
在我看来,运动夏令营应该是大家开心快活的地方,并不是表现天赋或者施展本领的场所。但在寻欢求乐的同时,绝不能忽略基本技巧,以损伤身体为代价,这正是今天小学四、五和初中一年级足球场上所发生的事情。 除了辅导员留意比分之外,营员们并非在乎谁赢谁输。其间,四年级辅导员带球朝我们大门飞奔而来,此时我站的位置恰巧挡住了他的去路,结果如何﹖这位廿岁的愣头小伙子从两英尺、超过半米处近距离临门一脚,球狠命打中右脸颊,我眼冒金星,痛得要命!不过这远不如我们守门员下场惨烈,她正跟朋友聊天,有人重力踢球,球从侧面打中其鼻梁,顿时血流如注,比赛只得草草收场。 足球集速度、力量、准确性、脚与眼协调性、下脚意识、传球、带球、顶球、铲球、果敢、耐力、自我保护等技能之大成,然而,倘若缺乏基本知识,足球比赛很容易造成人员伤害,夏令营里没有几位真正具有运动细胞的天才,知道应该绕过对方防守球员,而非莽撞冲过人墙。我觉得有时候像足球这样的运动只有掌握一定的技巧,才会玩得皆大欢喜。 
Goal Kick (球门球 06-07-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |