2014-07-05 【Aiden in English】
In the USA, the 4th of July is probably the most celebrated holiday every year, whether it's going to the beach, staying at Grandma's house, or watching fireworks locally. Dad and I traditionally celebrated the Day of Independence with a spectacular show of fireworks. Unfortunately, it was July 5th, but at least Wissahickon High School in greater Philadelphia postponed the events to today. The beginning was a huge upset. It was one firework at a time. Then, in about ten minutes, things heated up. Multiple displays were shot into the air simultaneously. A single ignition barrage split into hundreds of smaller sparks as a loud bang was made with a flash. It was funny that there were also plenty of fireworks that featured the colors red and green. And the last time I checked, Christmas was still five and a half months away. My favorite was the red, white, and blue fireworks. It symbolized our country. Even though it looked very plain, the colors had a ton of meaning that carried the USA for 238 years. The 4th of July marked the beginning of the great USA. And there is nothing like a good firework show to celebrate the nation's birthday and cheer people up. 【红霞译】
刚开始的时候特别令人失望,焰火并非连珠炮地朝天上发射,而像挤牙膏似的单个往外窜,直到大约十分钟后才进入白热化状态。多台发射器同时启动,一枚枚礼花弹腾空而起,随着电闪雷鸣,争相迸发出数以百计的火树银花。有趣的是,不少燃放的焰火不是红就是绿,而据我新近核实,圣诞节距今尚需五个半月才会来临。我喜欢红、白、蓝色烟花,它们象征着美国,虽然看上去单调乏味,但三种颜色寓意深刻,而且伴随美利坚走过了238年漫长历程。 七月四日标志着彪汉美国的崛起,没有比燃放烟花更能营造出举国同庆万众欢腾的热烈场面。 
Fireworks post-Independence Day (独立节第二天烟花) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |