2014-08-14 【Aiden in English】
Staying at home with no video games stinks. This time, it's not because of a fever. The camp was on a field trip to a lake that I wasn't excited about. I feel like not going is a mistake now since I'm stacked with Chinese homework, and the only companion I've got is my grandma, who isn't exactly into conversations. "Hey, Grandma, can I go outside?" "Lunch is ready." "But I want to go outside!" "Lunch is getting cold!" That's about how the conversations went, so I'm alone. Even if I don't like the field trip, at least my other friends will be there. You see, that's the catch of staying at home. You might be free to do whatever you want except for video games, for me, anyway. But with no one to do things with! What's the point of playing ping-pong or table tennis by yourself? Or playing cards? Friends are extremely important. I can't live without them. Next time, I'm going on the lake trip without second thoughts. 【红霞译】
赋闲在家捞不着玩视频游戏,真的无聊透顶。这回倒不是因为发烧出不了家门,而是因为我对湖区夏游活动缺乏兴趣。看来事先我考虑欠妥,其实留守在家如果不被暑假中文作业淹没,那么定会让相互为伴的外婆拿下,彼此间缺乏共同语言。 “嗨婆婆,我能到门口玩吗?” “午餐做好了。” “但我真的很想出去!” “午餐快要凉了!” 瞧,老少交流关键难达共识,因此叫我感到形单影只。今后无论多么讨厌野外拉练,我委曲求全也要前往,因为至少有朋友同行,自个儿呆在家里虽然自由,想干什么就干什么,除电子游戏对我例外,但寂寞难忍!单枪匹马怎么打乒乓?独自一人又如何玩扑克牌? 朋友相当重要,我离不开他们。从今往后若再有湖区之旅,我二话不说。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2009: 孩子手记(Kid's Writing) 
Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |