【Aiden in English】 Chinese School is quick. On the first day, there was a homework assignment in my 7th grade. Who gives homework on the first day? Sure, in college. And does it look as if I'm in college? The class was kicked off with a quiz to see your level! Boy, my paper was nasty. It seemed like my first ever math test in the 1st grade. "Danny had three apples. He ate one for lunch. How many apples were left?" And I couldn't process those words. Now déjà vu struck. After a "break," the class blabbered about a story and Chinese vocabulary. The boys were outnumbered 7-1 by the girls. There was nothing out of the ordinary. I felt as if it was January. Trust me. You don't want to attend class right after Christmas and New Year's Day in January. The only thing keeping me alive was my sense of humor. Ahhhh... it was just another day. The first days at school are supposed to be remarkable. However, in Chinese schools, they are meant to be regular and traditional classes. 【红霞译】
中文学校咄咄逼人,新学年头一天,我所在的七年级便赶鸭子上架,有谁一开学就做作业﹖没错,大学的确如此,可我像个大学生吗﹖ 我们以中文水平考核的方式拉开序幕。天哪,本人的答卷乌七八糟,如同上小学一年级时遭遇的数学测验,“丹尼有仨苹果,午饭吃了一个后还剩下多少﹖”当年我丈二和尚摸不着头脑,眼下重又给我一记下马威。 课间“休息”之后,课堂上开始引经据典,班上女生比男生多出六成,其它一切照旧。我内心感觉好像正值一月份似的,相信我好了,没人喜欢刚过完圣诞节元旦就跑来上课,唯一能让我焕发青春活力的无外乎自娱自乐,嘻嘻哈哈……当一天和尚撞一天钟。 返校头一天本应很酷,可偏偏在中文学校,按部就班才是我们需要面对的生活。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: 五~六年级秋季足球娱乐比赛之一
2009: 两个星期(夏令营之后开学之前) 
2014-2015 Guanghua Chinese School Opening (2014-2015年度光华中文学校开学) Crosslink(相关博文): 6th Grade(初中一年级) |