2015-08-03 【Aiden in English】 〖For Kids〗
Summer for some kids seems boring. They stay at home, playing video games all day. No worries, you will never be bored again because Guang Hua Chinese School, aka GHCS, is hosting a summer camp. The camp is for all ages, so you can be stuck with an annoying four-year-old all day if you are unlucky. Instead of wasting those precious brains over TV screens, you can come into a classroom and learn! I know, right? Isn’t learning during summer so awesome? The camp dedicates an entire hour to Chinese reading and writing daily. The camp also features a wide variety of classes that teach skills that have no help in life at all. You can learn to use an Abacus, an ancient type of calculator. This “amazing” calculator is no longer in stores or used anywhere else on the planet. Plus, you get to learn how to spin a Chinese yo-yo. So, for your future resume, you can write how to spin a thing on two sticks attached to a string. The summer camp also shows funky Chinese kid skits like “Big-head Boy.” It’s about the adventures/life story of a little spoiled boy with a huge head. It sounds like a good show. The food also tastes delicious, with stuff like hot dogs and hamburgers. They’re just a bit to get, so the TAs go to get the food. Doesn’t this sound like fun and school??! 〖For Parents〗 GHCS Summer Camp is the perfect place for your child to go to. The one thing we pride ourselves on is our safety. We provide careful eyes from check-in to check-out so your child can have a fun time and feel safe. Kids even get their helper to walk them to the bathroom. Also, all the kids are safe outside because they aren’t allowed past certain borders. I know it may sound like a prison, but trust me, I would rather be overly secure or lose a child. Kids can’t get lost since they’re only in one room for the entire day! Meanwhile, we take pride in ourselves and our food. You can get a wide selection of combos from our lunch menu: chicken fingers & BBQ sauce, chicken fingers & ketchup, etc. The food is also very cheap, but only with a few trips to the TAs who get the food. 【红霞译】
暑假对某些孩童而言意味着无聊乏味,他们囚居在家,整天痴迷于电子游戏。请放心,这下你将不再没事可做,因为光华中文学校举办夏令营。这个夏令营适于各个年龄的少年儿童,因此假如运气欠佳,没准儿遇到一位四岁大的淘气包让你脱身不得。你大可不必把精力耗费在电视机前,光华夏令营为你提供学习场所!我说的对吗?难道暑假坚持学习不值得称道?光华夏令营安排每天整整一个钟头学中文阅读和写作,同时还接触许多其它课目包括这辈子你完全用不上的技能,学习如何拨弄古代用来核账的神奇珠算盘子,迄今堪为举世无双。另外,你还会亲手练习中国传统空竹,你应从长计议,将来在准备简历时好把两根棍子中间拴上线绳的玩艺加写进去。光华夏令营还播放看似有趣的短剧,例如“大头娃娃”,一个有关长着大脑袋却被百般宠爱的小男孩故事,听起来倒是不错的题材,对不对?吃的也相当可口,有热狗和汉堡包之类的快餐食品,只是就餐前需要小小耐心,因为助教们得亲自出马为你们效劳。说到这里,光华夏令营是不是集娱乐与学习之大成??! 〖家长须知〗 光华夏令营为您的子女提供了一个理想场所,有一点我们不无自豪,那就是确保孩子人身安全,每天从踏进大门到离开教室,人人都要签名登记,这样在及时行乐的同时了却任何后顾之忧。孩童们甚至更有私人保镖,护送进出厕所;出门在外,他们一定要在规定的地域活动,我理解您也许会说这不有点像监狱,但请相信,我们宁可错圈一群,也不丢失一个。这么一来,任何营员无法从我们眼皮底下溜走,因为大家全天候共享同一屋檐!与此同时我们十分推崇午餐,很多选择准保叫您目不暇接:鸡块蘸烧烤调味、鸡块抹番茄酱、等等,物美价廉别具风味,只不过稍微花点功夫,助教们争相上阵,亲自为各位金童玉女打来热气腾腾的饭菜。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2014: Scavenger Hunt at Sea(海上寻宝游戏) 2013: Lavner Video Game Design Camp(拉夫纳电游设计营) 
Teaching Chinese Chess @ Camp (暑期班教授中国象棋 08-03-2015) 
Adversarial Game (对弈 08-03-2015) 
Campers (暑期营员 08-03-2015)
GHCS Camp─Kids Can Be Kids(光华营─孩子毕竟是孩子)
Being A Teacher Is Harder Than It Looks(辛苦的园丁) 6th Grade(初中一年级) |