2016-01-18 MLK Day 【Aiden in English】
Throughout American history, racial differences plagued the nation’s events. Slavery set the tone for the founding of the United States, and nothing has changed since then. In general, blacks were never equal to other cultural groups, and Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. determined to change that, which is why he had his Day of the Year. MLK Jr Day is full of services to him. His life had as much impact as the countries' founding fathers. His fight for human rights loosened the bonds of segregation. Today, the Philadelphia Orchestra hosted the 26th Annual MLK Jr. Tribute Concert at Girard College. Being on the outskirts of Philadelphia, parking was hard and scarce, other than the sides of roads, and it’s legitimately scary being in the same van as a mom with her parallel parking skill behind the wheel. Luckily, we found a free parking lot in the neighborhood …… that warned us how any unauthorized vehicles would be towed. To be safe, mom used grandma’s disabled tag, signifying that there were no nearby places to park within a five-minute walking range while my grandma, with her right knee replacement, was on the ride. It was frigid cold. I wore a two-layer coat, but the issue wasn’t there. The wind blew furiously, stunning my eyes and freezing any bit of bare skin. My feet and hands went numb, and upon arrival at the school chapel under the astonishing pipe organs, I instead had frostbite to kill the nerves and stop the cold. The music started about thirty minutes later, and still, both hands had yet to return to standard color. The music was great. That’s what you expect from the Philadelphia Orchestra, being one of the best in the nation. A few movements by Grieg, Beethoven, and Saint-Saens set the beautiful tone. Soon, a thoroughly powerful narration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech “I Have a Dream,” accompanied by Barber’s Adagio for Strings, reminded him of what he wanted. He went so far for freedom, but it isn’t ideal yet. Still, poverty is intense among African Americans living in the country, especially in Philadelphia. The nation is trying to change this statistic, but in the economy, blacks are at the bottom after all. Occasional people such as Oprah Winfrey appear, or superstar sports players like Michael Jordan make it to the top, achieving billionaire status. MLK Day reminds us of what the country is about. The Americans freed themselves from the British, and now African Americans have freed themselves from the Americans. Martin Luther King Jr. granted them freedom, so an unbalanced scale has significantly increased. 【红霞译】
音乐具有无穷的魅力,尤其实地欣赏全美上乘的费城管弦乐团表演。音乐会先后以格里格、贝多芬和圣桑几首优美动听的乐章拉开了序幕,随着巴伯《弦乐柔板》奏起,斗士•琴手•金著名演说“我有一个梦想”的配乐朗诵深深打动了到场观众,他所倡导的自由至今尚未实现,贫困依然是生活在这片土地上黑人大众所面临的棘手问题,而费城又名列前茅。整个国家始终想改变这种局面,但在经济方面,黑人从未摆脱过落后地位,当然像奥普拉·温弗瑞极端个例或者迈克尔·乔丹超级体育明星不是没有,他们鹤立鸡群,成为当之无愧的亿万富翁。 斗士•琴手•金纪念日无疑提醒大家牢记国家所遭遇的经历,美国人早年从英国牢笼里解脱出来,现在黑人已从白人手中获得自由,是斗士•琴手•金为他们赢得了权益,反对种族歧视的呼声才越来越高。 
Philly Orchestra's 26th Annual MLK Jr. Tribute Concert (费城交响乐团第二十六届向斗士•琴手•金致敬音乐会) 
Girard College Chapel (勇敢之矛学院礼拜堂)

Allison Vulgamore, President & CEO of Philly Orchestra (高贵•沃尔加莫尔—费城乐团总裁兼首席执行官) 
Craig L. Adams, President & CEO of PECO (岩石•亚当斯—费城能源公司总裁兼首席执行官) 
Clarence D. Armbrister, President of Girard College (勇敢之矛学院校长——明亮•阿姆布雷斯特) 
Todd Bernstein, Founder & Director of MLK Day Service (狐狸•伯恩斯坦—斗士•琴手•金服务日的创始人及总监) 
Yannick Nezet-Seguin, Music Director of Philly Orchestra (恩赐•观看•塞金—费城乐团音乐总监) 
Juliette Kang & Ying Fu, 1st Associate Concertmaster (年轻•康与傅英——第一副首席小提琴手) Crosslink(相关博文): 7th Grade(初中二年级) |