【Aiden in English】
The 2015-2016 school year is winding down. That sucks because the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment PSSA is also coming to town. Reaching the final stretch of school has taken a lot of energy, but not as much as the PSSA will. The end of the third marking period for the seventh grade signals many tests, including PSSA, Keystone Exam, End of Year Tests, and Finals. It sounds funny because it is! In those days, there are rarely any classes after the tests. For example, after most PSSA, the afternoon is spent on a movie or an activity, like a 3K. I understand this action taken by the teachers, as with previous experiences, the PSSA kind of marathon kills the brain for 12 hours. The Keystones are the other extremely stressful test. They follow up the PSSA, throwing a one-two punch at us. Even though they aren’t talked about as much since only kids above Algebra I are eligible to take it, the impact of the grade is potentially more critical than the PSSA. It seems a whole lot more intimidating as well. Luckily, I’ve already taken it the last year, so I have a sense of the test. Although it isn’t a PSSA style, there still is a bad vibe every time the test comes around. Nevertheless, the third marking period was my worst marking period with grades. I mean, 94% in Science isn’t all that bad, but come on, and you know, Mom is an immunologist, and it’s hard after all. When I write this, the third marking period hasn’t ended yet; it ends tomorrow. The one thing I truly feel proud of during this marking period was that I aced English. Even if an extensive assessment is coming through, I doubt I’ve got anything wrong. It was a writing piece, and I guess many of you can see why. Not to brag, but I can wing an essay in two hours in the evening and expect a full score. English isn’t that hard if all we did was write. It would require another side to balance it out; the leverage was the speech. I had an American child’s average or a mid-B range grade for speech in the first two marking periods. After receiving much help from the Debate class at Guanghua Chinese School, I flawlessly executed a debate in English, reaching a perfect score in speaking skills. The solid satisfaction of that accomplishment was one to be proud of, and it was even sweeter since my side won the debate. This marking period was Family & Consumer Science or FCS in our special class: food cooking and sowing. I loved it simply because it made my grade look good. Not only that, but I’m also usually still hungry after the gym, and I love a good batch of cookies or a spice of French toast. It’s the best class of the year and one I enjoy without any stress. Hey, maybe I’ll be a cook when I grow up? 【红霞译】
第三学制增设了家政学,我之所以喜欢烹饪裁缝手工专业课,无非因为好混日子,不仅如此,体育课后我饿得饥肠辘辘,吃些新鲜饼干或者法式面包片定叫我心满意足,我认为这是今年以来最受欢迎的课程,惟有这门课我从无压力可言。嘿,没准长大后我会选厨师为生? 这么说吧,下个月假如有人见我像一具行尸走肉,那只能怪罪宾州学校评估考试。初中二年级第三学制似乎第一次提醒大家要做好长期迎接真正挑战的准备,这么说并非暗指学校日子有多难熬。我意识到未来重任,随着时间迁移,它正朝我走来并要我接受考验。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: Santa Cruz Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔圣克鲁斯岛) 2012: 佛州迪斯尼世界神奇王国(Walt Disney Magic Kingdom, FL) 2011: 埃及尼罗河游轮(Cruising on the Nile, Egypt) 2011: 埃及阿布辛贝双神庙(Twin Temples of Abu Simbel, Egypt)
2011: 埃及菲莱神庙(Philae Temple—Isis, Osiris, and Horus, EGY)
Winter Storm (冬季风暴 02-10-2016) Crosslinks(相关博文): First Marking Period of Seventh Grade(初二第一学制) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |