【Aiden in English】
Graduation is a long time away. Seeing how the seventh grade was a tedious struggle at the regular school, I can’t seem to grasp the idea of ending my career in school. Instead, I saw other retirements in Guanghua Chinese School as the ninth grade graduated. Ironically, most are returning for AP classes this fall, but no one cares. As an 8th grader at school, I am granted the privilege to help traffic and set up today. It is interesting since our school isn’t the richest. The school is not ours, so we cannot do anything too crazy. Not to mention, the money comes from the families. The school has four main floors, and the graduating class is lined up all along the second. A two-lane flight of stairs leads to the lobby, and instead of ribbon, we had caution taped a lane to stop traffic and make it seem more important. None of the kids get the idea of secluding off the section of the “red carpet” with all said and done. It doesn’t matter. CEOs cut the ribbon for new companies. Friends cut the ribbon for party celebrations. Governors cut the ribbon for grand openings. I cut the black and yellow caution tape for a group of ninth-graders who are all blue, outside and inside. The ceremony of release (The Giver reference) was a simple “give out plastic trophies that get recycled after five years” thing, where everyone had a “great” time. Unfortunately, when our Principal, Heng, asked if Chinese School was worth it, no one understood what she was saying—irony at its best. Following the awkward moment was the long phase of awards, and to the graduating class’s distress, the viewing of their baby pictures. Although people expected the feeling to be moving, I was not entirely changed. Maybe they should change it up so it wasn’t the same for the past seven years. The only time I moved was on the way to the restroom. At last, I got an Excellence Award that meant nearly nothing, as literally another hundred kids received. As a security officer, I had one of those glow-in-the-dark vests that signified special access and authority to tell kids to shut up. I promptly handed it over to Mom, who needed it more than I did. Being a photographer, there was much to do, as each parent was expecting a bajillion of pictures of their beautiful children. It is technically graduation, but America has a wonderful thing called AP classes. If we didn’t take the AP class, our entire time at this school would be wasted. So, everyone would be coming back, whether they graduated or not. Well, I guess we’re stuck together for one more year. Very motivating. The end of something is usually not celebrated, but graduation is an excellent feat for students. Unfortunately, some schools have kids returning after graduation, which is quite anti-climactic. However, it is still a memory that is much more significant than any recyclable trophy. 【红霞译】
最终我得了优秀学生奖,纯属校方慷慨嘉勉,不无夸张地讲,大概有百八十来名学生获此殊荣。作为庆典活动的保安人员,我身一件穿黑里透亮的背心,因为肩负特殊使命而有权制止任何顽童高声喧哗。我把奖杯交给妈妈,她比我更受鼓舞。今天妈妈专司摄影,需要现场捕捉许多珍贵镜头,以便与各位家长分享无穷无尽的美好瞬间。严格地说,今天我们开的是欢送会,但美国讲究大学预科课程,假如你不选修它们,以前所做的努力势必付之东流。因此不管毕业与否,不久的将来你要重新踏进光华校门,下一年度我们肯定后会有期,多来劲哟。 通常人们不会因为干完事情而举行庆祝活动,但毕业对于学生来说值得大书特书,只不过某些学校想方设法吸引已经毕业的学生重返故地,真敢冒天下之大不韪。然而,这么做远比其它任何具有回收价值的奖杯更历久弥新。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Adventure of World Heritage in S Europe(探寻南欧文化遗产) 2009: 与孩子同车上下班的路上(Car Pool) 
Class 2016 (2016届毕业班) 
Graduation Ceremony (毕业庆典) 
Singing Natl Anthems (唱国歌) 
Retrospective Exhibition for Graduates(毕业生回顾展) 
Acceptance of Graduation Diploma (颁发毕业证书) 
Award Ceremony (颁奖典礼) 
Award Ceremony (颁奖典礼 06-12-2016) 
Preparing for the Events (布置会场 06-12-2016) 
Safety Patroling (安检 06-12-2016) 
Putting down Markers for Classes (标记班级座序 06-12-2016) 
GHCS Management Team (光华中文学校管理团队 06-12-2016) 
Trophies (奖杯) 
End-Year Spree (年终狂欢)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 2015 GHCS Commencement—Bitter-Sweet-Salty(羡慕嫉妒爱) 2014 GHCS Commencement—Bamboo(2014届光华毕业典礼—蜀苑)
2013届光华毕业典礼拾遗(2013 GHCS Commencement—Potpourri) 2012届光华中文学校毕业典礼(2012 GHCS Commencement) 2010届光华中文学校毕业典礼(2010 GHCS Commencement) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |