2017-05-29 Memorial Weekend
【Aiden in English】
Ottawa, the capital of Canada, is our final stop on this so far chaotic journey. After day one, it looked as if we would never see our trip to Canada go anything like it did. The fact is that I woke up smiling in the morning, anticipating the next leg of our adventure, which shows precisely how this vacation turned around. Ever since the beginning, I thought this Memorial holiday weekend would be a nightmare. Luckily, someone flipped a switch, and suddenly, everything fell our way. However, a significant change was made to our tour schedule. The trip to Ottawa was postponed until today, the final day. It is a long trip, which means sacrificing certain events and attractions. Still, I believe it was worth it. Ottawa turned out to be a rainy day. Truthfully, I can’t be mad, as we’ve already avoided most storm clouds. And I don’t mind a trip to the water park. Fortunately, Mom was prepared and brought three umbrellas for each of us. Therefore, I wasn’t afraid to wait in line to enter our destination, the Parliament of Canada. I must say the rain turned up a notch driving into the capital. It doesn’t seem as if the rain was a drenching downpour. It was, however, constant rain that slowly soaked through every part of my body. Due to its popularity, the Parliament had an enormous line out front. Security was tight as usual, but progress was stopped multiple times. Essentially, we were going to be drenched if not for the umbrellas. However, they did not protect our shoes so we would squeak all day. Parliament Hill is probably a place one wouldn’t wish to vacation. However, Canada is extremely friendly and welcomes all to its nation’s control building. Besides, what’s the point of hiring great architects if no one can see their work? The library and the Peace Tower were the main spots on our to-do list. In this case, both were successfully seen. After a long wait to reach the inside, we approached the library, the only untouched building from the original. I say “original” because the first Parliament building was burned down in 1916. Fortunately, because of some quick thinking, an employee saved the library by closing the two large double doors leading to the room. Now, it houses thousands of books and government resources. Upon entering, the first thing I noticed was the circular shape. All the shelves were positioned at specific angles to lead towards the exit, which was neat. Furthermore, and possibly the most noticeable item, is the giant statue of Queen Victoria. It’s a 10-foot sculpture sitting right in the flat center of the room, and to all those who enter, it’s impossible to miss. The pure white statue stands out from the backdrop in a room full of color from the books and signs. It is the most attractive characteristic of the library. In Ottawa, we stopped by the Royal Canadian Mint, where the only actual substantial image I remember would be the 99.999 percent gold bar. I think that gold sums up our trip this time to Canada: priceless. Truthfully, it was only a matter of time before something disastrous occurred at the airport. Because my family traveled a lot, we tested our luck every time we checked in and out of an airport. I am not saying there weren’t any problems in the past; this was the first time we had to reschedule our entire vacation. In the end, we virtually saw what we wanted to see. Canada has been quite a lot of fun, albeit the stressful beginning. But maybe next time, we’ll take a road trip instead. 【红霞译文】
在渥太华逗留期间,我们还参观了加拿大皇家铸币厂,唯一给我留下深刻记忆的当属纯度高达99.999%的金条,我想借用这个无价之宝来概括总结本次加拿大旅程。说实在的,之前机场遇到的挫折再所难免,我的意思是,我家经常外出旅游,实际上每次进出机场都有运气好坏问题,过去不是没有麻烦,但重新安排全部行程确实是破天荒头一次。 最后好事多磨,我们终于达到预期目的。加拿大有许多值得回味的东西,尽管开场不利,不过也许下次我们应走陆地才是。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2017: Ottawa the City that Fun Forgot(加拿大渥太华—被欢乐遗忘的城市) 2016: Pittsburgh the Steel City, PA(宾州匹兹堡—钢铁之都) 2015: Sixth Grade Pool Party(初中一年级泳池派对) 2014: 2014 NPSD Art Show(2014年北宾州学区艺术展)
Musée des beaux-arts du Canada (加拿大国家美术馆 05-28-1997)
Monument Commémoratif de Guerre (国家战争纪念碑 05-28-1997)
Ottawa Memorial (渥太华纪念碑 05-28-1997)
Colline du Parlement (国会山庄 05-28-1997)
Centennial Flame of Colline du Parlement (国会山庄·百年纪念火焰 05-29-2017)
Clustered Columns of Tour de la Paix, Colline du Parlement (国会山庄和平塔·集柱 05-29-2017)
Library Hallway @ Colline du Parlement (国会山庄·图书馆走廊 05-29-2017)
Library w/ A White Marble Statue of Queen Victoria in 1871 (国会山庄·图书馆中1871年白色大理石雕塑的《维多利亚女王》) 99.999% Gold Bar @ Monnaie Royale Canadienne (加拿大皇家铸币厂·纯度高达99.999%的金砖 05-29-2017)
Rideau Garden of Governor-General (总督府花园 05-28-1997)
Stanley Park (石甸公园 05-28-1997)
Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport (蒙特利尔皮埃尔·埃利奥特·特鲁多国际机场 05-29-2017) Crosslinks(相关博文):
8th Grade(初中三年级) |