【The Greatness of the World】 Friedrich Schiller (1759—1805) Through the world which the Spirit creative and kind First formed out of chaos, I fly like the wind, Until on the strand Of its billows I land, My anchor cast forth where the breeze blows no more, And Creation's last boundary stands on the shore.
I saw infant stars into being arisen, For thousands of years to roll on through the skies; I saw them in play Seek their goal far away,-- For a moment my fugitive gaze wandered on,-- I looked around me, and lo!--all those bright stars had flown!
Madly yearning to reach the dark kingdom of night. I boldly steer on with the speed of the light; All misty and drear The dim heavens appear, While embryo systems and seas at their source Are whirling around the sun-wanderer's course.
When sudden a pilgrim I see drawing near Along the lone path,--"Stay! What seekest thou here?" "My bark, tempest-tossed, I sail toward the land where the breeze blows no more, And Creation's last boundary stands on the shore."
"Stay, thou sailest in vain! 'Tis INFINITY yonder!"—— "'Tis INFINITY, too, where thou, pilgrim, wouldst wander! Eagle-thoughts that aspire, Let your proud pinions tire! For 'tis here that sweet phantasy, bold to the last, Her anchor in hopeless dejection must cast!" —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《世界之大》】 和平使者•席勒(1759生—1805卒) 我乘着风翼,掠过当初创造的神灵, 从混沌之中开辟的漂浮的世界飞行, 直到浪潮起伏 波涛拍岸之处着陆。 抛锚的地方,不再有任何气息, 只有创造之界石在那里竖立。
我看到星星已经朝气蓬勃地苏生, 在太空里继续走着千年的行程, 看它们嬉游终朝 迈向诱人的目标, 我目眩神迷,向着四周搜寻, 空间里已经看不到——一点星影。
我激励风翼,继续向着虚无之境 大胆地掌握方向,像光一样飞行, 苍天驰过我身旁, 朦胧得像迷雾一样, 跟在逐日者身后的宇宙系统, 就像溪流的旋涡在急速转动。
瞧,在寂静的路上,有个朝圣者向我 奔来——“止步!旅人,你来此寻找什么?” “我一路来到此间, 要寻找宇宙的岸边! 我去的地方,不再有任何气息, 只有创造之界石在那里竖立!”
“停止吧!你徒然飞行——你的前面是无限!” “停止吧!你徒然飞行——朝圣者,我后面也是无限!—— 快垂下你的翅膀, 羽翼,雄鹰的奢望, 你这位大胆的飞行者,幻想之徒, 把绝望之锚向下界那边抛去。” Today in History(历史上的今天):
2017: Munich, the Village of A Million DEU(德国僧侣之城·百万人庄) 2017: Munich, the World City with Heart DEU(德国僧侣之城·爱心之都)
2017: Munich, the Toytown of Germany(德国僧侣之城·玩偶之家) 2016: Moscow Red Square, Russia(俄罗斯莫斯科·红场)
2016: Moscow Kremlin, Russia(俄罗斯莫斯城·堡宫) 2015: Mdina, the Medieval Capital of Malta(马耳他姆迪纳·中世纪古都) 2015: Capital Valletta, Malta(马耳他首都湾谷之城) 2015: Colonized Nation of Europe, Malta(欧洲本土殖民地马耳他) 2014 World Cup—The USA vs. Belgium(美国对比利时世界杯足球赛)
Bayerische Staatskanzlei (牛主地州总理府) Façade of Neues Rathaus (新市政厅·外貌)
Glockenspiel of Neues Rathaus (新市政厅·钟琴)
Gothic Grand Hall by the Morris Dance of Altes Rathaus (旧市政厅·以黑皮肤人舞装饰的哥特式大厅)
Clock Tower of Altes Rathaus (旧市政厅·钟楼)
Talburgtor of Altes Rathaus (旧市政厅·露堡门)
HypoVereinsbank (裕宝银行)
HVB Tower (裕宝银行塔)
Brienner Straße (尊贵大街)
Dome Towers of Theatinerkirche St. Kajetan (欢喜剧院教堂·穹塔)
Dome Towers of Theatinerkirche St. Kajetan (欢喜剧院教堂·穹塔) High Altar of Theatinerkirche St. Kajetan (欢喜剧院教堂·主圣坛) Heilig-Geist-Kirche (圣神教堂)
Peterskirche, the City's Oldest Catholic Church (磐石圣徒教堂·全市最老的天主教堂)
Clock Tower of Peterskirche (磐石圣徒教堂·钟楼)
The 18th-Century Grave Plaques of Peterskirche (磐石圣徒教堂·十八世纪墓牌)
Frauenkirche (圣母教堂)
Teufelstritt or Devil's Footstep @ Frauenkirche (圣母教堂·魔鬼脚印) Bell Tower of Modern Church (现代教堂·钟楼)
Mercedes-Benz Gallery (奔驰展览馆)
BMW Headquarters (宝马总部)
BMW Welt (宝马世界)
Olympiapark (奥林匹克公园)
Olympiaturm @ Olympiapark (奥林匹克公园·奥林匹克塔)
SoccArena @ Olympiapark (奥林匹克公园·足球场)
Hofbräuhaus am Platzl (宫廷啤酒馆)
Elaborate Ceiling @ Hofbräuhaus am Platzl (宫廷啤酒馆·精致天花板)
Hubertusbrunnen over Schlossgarten Kanal (城堡花园运河上睿智喷泉)
The Isar (流水河)
Isartor (流水河门塔)
Ludwig-Ferdinand-Brücke (名将三世桥)
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (著名斗士·不朽·僧侣大学)
Bavarian Central Mint (牛主地中央造币厂)
Courtyard of Bavarian Central Mint (牛主地中央造币厂·庭院)
Schloss Nymphenburg Park (仙灵堡宫公园)
Schloss Nymphenburg (仙灵堡宫)
München Hauptbahnhof (僧侣火车总站)
Crosslinks(相关博文): Germany(出游德国)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |