
【The Lemon Trees】 Eugenio Montale (1896—1981) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature in 1975〗 Hear me a moment. Laureate poets seem to wander among plants no one knows: boxwood, acanthus, where nothing is alive to touch. I prefer small streets that falter into grassy ditches where a boy, searching in the sinking puddles, might capture a struggling eel. The little path that winds down along the slope plunges through cane-tufts
and opens suddenly into the orchard among the moss-green trunks of the lemon trees.
Perhaps it is better if the jubilee of small birds dies down, swallowed in the sky, yet more real to one who listens, the murmur of tender leaves in a breathless, unmoving air.
The senses are graced with an odor filled with the earth. It is like rain in a troubled breast, sweet as an air that arrives too suddenly and vanishes. A miracle is hushed; all passions are swept aside. Even the poor know that richness, the fragrance of the lemon trees.
You realize that in silences things yield and almost betray their ultimate secrets. At times, one half expects to discover an error in Nature, the still point of reality, the missing link that will not hold, the thread we cannot untangle in order to get at the truth.
You look around. Your mind seeks, makes harmonies, falls apart in the perfume, expands when the day wearies away. There are silences in which one watches in every fading human shadow something divine let go.
The illusion wanes, and in time we return to our noisy cities where the blue appears only in fragments high up among the towering shapes. Then rain leaching the earth. Tedious, winter burdens the roofs, and light is a miser, the soul bitter. Yet, one day through an open gate, among the green luxuriance of a yard, the yellow lemons fire and the heart melts, and golden songs pour into the breast from the raised cornets of the sun. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《柠檬树》】 名门•蒙塔莱(1896生—1981卒) 〖1975年诺贝尔文学奖〗 请听,诗人的桂冠 只行过人们未曾熟习的 花树,例如黄杨或良苕 但我更爱那消失在 翠绿水渠边的街道 一个男孩在半干的水坑里 打捞,偶尔汲取瘦小的黄鳗 微风拂过坡地,流过小径
穿入竹林里 穿入园中柠檬树的枝干上 如果鸟鸣的盛典已然停止
让青天把鸟影吞没是好的 好让和谐的枝叶呢喃低语 在空中微微飘曳 让泥土的呼息 深植我们的脑海里 并且降临不绝的甜蜜在胸臆
这儿,激昂变迁的争战 已然止息,有如奇迹 这儿,贫乏的人无法分享 我们的财富——那柠檬树的遗香 请凝望,这种寂静里 庸琐退去,仿佛 天地也将泄露出永恒的秘密
有时企盼发现大自然的谬误 世界的终点——一条永难 掌握的线 并且在真理的中央 解开最终定位的那纤丝 当白日倦懒已极 目光远望八方 思绪在膨胀的芬芳里 寻找着和谐的分诀
有人在沉默里 在离散的人影中 看见被放逐的神祗
然而幻象衰逝后,时光 回到我们扰攘的城市 忧郁展颜的城市 唯有破碎的交谈喋喋升起 然后,雨后的悒悒的大地 冬日的阴沉压着屋脊 灯光贪嗜地高涨,苦恼着神魂 当一日在半掩的门扉滑逝 院子里的枝叶间 柠檬的金黄焚烧着 将心中的冰雪融化 并且歌颂 在阳光的金喇叭声中 倾入肺腑 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2018: Murano, Burano & Torcello ITA(意大利威尼斯·玻璃岛、彩色岛和教堂岛) 2017: Melk Abbey, Austria(奥地利梅尔克·修道院) 2016: Guernsey over the English Channel, UK(英国根西岛·英吉利海峡)
2014 World Cup—BRA vs. DEU(巴西对德国世界杯足球赛)

Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute & Punta della Dogana (圣母安康大教堂与海关大楼博物馆) 
Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute & Punta della Dogana (圣母安康大教堂与海关大楼博物馆)

Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute (圣母安康大教堂) 
Punta della Dogana (海关大楼博物馆) 
San Giorgio Maggiore in front of San Marco Campanile 大农夫教堂(前)与圣马可钟楼(后) 
San Giorgio Maggiore (大农夫岛) 
San Giorgio Maggiore & Campanile (大农夫教堂与钟楼) 
San Giorgio Maggiore (大农夫教堂) 
Santa Maria Elisabetta (圣母富饶岛) 
Santa Maria Elisabetta (圣母富饶教堂)

San Lazzaro degli Armeni (神仆岛) 
Lighthouse & Chiesa di San Pietro Martire, Murano (玻璃岛·航标灯与圣彼得殉道者教堂) 
San Michele (神之岛) 
Roman Catholic Church, San Michele & Murano Lighthouse (神之岛·罗马天主教堂与玻璃岛·航标灯) 
Roman Catholic Church, San Michele (神之岛·罗马天主教堂) 
Roman Catholic Church, San Michele (神之岛·罗马天主教堂) 
San Michele (神之岛) 
San Servolo (力量岛) 
San Geremia-Chiesa di San Pietro Martire in Murano (玻璃岛·神圣教堂与圣彼得殉道者教堂)

Le Zitelle or Santa Maria della Presentazione, Giudecca (长刺岛·圣母奉献堂) 
Casa dei Tre Oci, Giudecca (长刺岛·三座豪宅) 
Giudecca & Isola della Grazia (长刺岛与恩典岛) 
Venice Intl Univ, Isola della Grazia (恩典岛·威尼斯国际大学) 
Abandoned Convent at Sant'Angelo della Polvere over the Lagoon (泻湖上被遗弃的圣天使城堡修道院) 
Cruise on the Lagoon (泻湖上的游轮) 
Porto di Venezia (威尼斯港)
Crosslinks(相关博文): Italy(出游意大利)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |