【Aiden in English】
A famous part of Nautica Oceania was for its Big-O-Points. There were normal activities around the cruise ship and multiple activities were giving out Big-O-Points. Big-O-Points were little rectangular cards as big as a Pokémon card that had a number on them. The number indicated how much the cards were worth. The passengers on board then traded in their points for hats, T-shirts, sporty pants, etc. A card was worth one, two, or three points. The only way to win them was to participate in table tennis, shuffleboard, golf, team trivia, and brainteaser. Apparently, it inspired the passengers to join more activities and entertain themselves. As a matter of fact, it looked very hard to win since most of the passengers competed with each other.
I had a good start although everyone else was way ahead of me. So far, I've been able to collect 23 points. But Alex, one of the children on board, got over a hundred. My favorite would be shuffleboard because it was not only fun but easy. Of course, you could bet Big-O-Points and make competitions of your own. I thought that's why Alex had so many or he probably took some points from his little brother, Nick who only had 30. A player at table tennis told me that her hat cost almost 150 Big-O-Points. I knew that I had to pick up the pace.
Earning Big-O-Points really brings out the person's talent. For table tennis, speed and agility are needed. In shuffleboard, your strength is put to the test. In golf, accuracy is stretched to its limit. And last but not least, team trivia, where knowledge is power. When you look at it this way, earning Big-O-Points is harder than it seems.
我虽然半路插进来,但开局不错,出师得法,到目前为止大获23分。不过,同伴亚历克斯已超出100分。我最喜欢的项目是沙狐球,既好玩又容易得分。当然,你也可以打赌,自己制定玩法。我想这也许说明了亚历克斯为啥遥遥领先,极有可能他从弟弟尼克那里得来一些游戏积分,尼克现在手头只有30分。一位乒乓球友对我说,她头上戴的那顶帽子大概值150分,看来我得快马加鞭。 游戏积分高低取决于一个人的聪明才智。比如﹕乒乓球的速度和灵活性﹔沙狐球的力度﹔高尔夫球的准确性﹔最后但并非最少,集体百科知识竞赛强调的知识就是力量。这么说来,赢得游戏积分并非轻而易举。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: Valparaiso—Jewel of the Pacific, Chile(智利瓦尔帕莱索港—太平洋明珠) 2010: 二年级螺旋教学法(Spiral Approach)

Trivia (百科知识竞赛 12-21-2013) 
Play w/ Aussi (与来自澳洲的小伙子打乒乓 12-21-2013) 
Journal Written in Hand (手写游记 12-21-2013) 
Polo Grill (马球烧烤餐厅) Crosslinks(相关博文): Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) |