【Aiden in English】
The closest thing to Seychelles is Hawaii, except Seychelles is in the Indian Ocean, while Hawaii is in the Pacific. Our tour took Mom and me to the National Botanical Gardens in Victoria, the capital city of the Republic of Seychelles. Victoria is on Mahe, the largest island in the nation. There were exotic flowers and trees like trumpet pitchers, screw pines, Coco de Mer, Spanish daggers, cannonball trees, and many more. Ninety-five percent of the trees here were not originally from this island. If you closed your eyes and walked forward, it would be like walking into a minefield. Plants that were green, red, white, and yellow all seemed to blend into a colorful painting while different sizes of fruits hung from the trees. Coco de Mer, the most interesting coconut tree, had a butt-shaped coconut. It was huge! Its coconut could weigh up to 30 kilograms/66 lb and seem twice the size of a human head. In addition to its dioecism, what really intrigued me was how long it took to grow. For the first 15 years, the sapling only grew leaves. Then, it took another 10 years to grow the trunk. Finally, it took eight years to expand and ripen its nuts. On the way to Beau Vallon Bay, something caught my eye. There were bats roosting on one of the palm fronds. Bats fly in the daytime using their ears to fly around and are known as flying foxes. At night, they go hunting since bats are nocturnal and can see in the dark. I found it different from what I knew about bats. In addition, our local guide had even eaten one, and it tasted like a chicken to him. Generally speaking, the locals would eat the flying fox if someone else cooked it. If the locals had to cook it themselves, they would probably prefer chicken because the bat's insides looked like human organs! Sometimes, even the most different creatures have something similar to each other, like the shape of the coconut and the insides of the flying fox, which are similar to our human body. 【红霞译】
另据导游介绍,他曾经吃过狐蝠,感觉如同鸡的味道,通常说来当地人只吃别人烹饪而不吃自己做的的狐蝠,否则他们情愿吃鸡,因为狐蝠内脏长得太像人的器官﹗ 海椰子的形状和狐蝠的脏器都与人某些部位相像,可见世界之大无奇不有,宇宙间两个极不相干的事物有时竟会莫名其妙地表现类似的特质。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: Youth Ctr @ Sea, Chile(智利游轮少年中心) 
Port of Victoria (首都维多利亚港)

Nautica Oceania (“大洋·航海”号游轮) 
Government Complex (政府大楼) 
President House (总统府) 
Lagoon of Government Complex (政府大楼泻湖) 
Victoria Clock Tower (维多利亚钟楼 12-23-2013)

Diamond Jubilee Fountain (钻石周年纪念喷泉 12-23-2013)

St. Paul's Cathedral (谦让大教堂) 
Arulmigu Navasakti Vinayagar Temple (印度教寺庙) 
Bel Air Cemetery (迷人公墓) 
Old Water Tower (老水塔) 
Saint Louis Hill (名将山) 
Santa Clause (圣诞老人) 
United Monument (联合纪念碑) 
Natl Botanical Gardens (国家植物园 12-23-2013)

Cannonball Tree (炮弹树) 
Cannonball Tree Flower (炮弹花)

Coco-de-Mer @ 25-34 Meters (海椰子·25–34米高) 
Coco-de-Mer (海椰子) 
Coco-de-Mer-Bowl, the Beautiful Buttocks (海椰子果·美丽的屁股丰满的腚) 
Chalta (番石榴) 
Coconuts (椰子) 
Flying Fox (游狐蝠) 
Mahogany Tree (桃花心木) 
Sir Selwyn Clarke Market (司徒永觉爵士市场) 
Great Egret Sir Selwyn Clarke Market (维多利亚市场·大白鹭)

Takamaka Beach (红厚壳海滩 12-23-2013) 
Baie Beau Vallon w/ Silhouette Island in Distance (美谷湾与后面的剪影岛 12-23-2013)

Baie Beau Vallon (美谷湾 12-23-2013) 
Beau Vallon Resort (美谷度假村 12-23-2013) Crosslinks(相关博文): Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) Africa (漫游非洲) 5th Grade(小学五年级) |