2014-04-02 【Aiden in English】
PSSA Reading for the 5th graders is probably the most dangerous test in Montgomery ES. It has all the weapons to make a student feel bad. Boringness, long stories, challenging questions, and TDA (Text-Dependent Analysis). All are more to be wary of PSSA Reading. I had a sore spot for reading. If you think I'm bad at reading, pigs can fly too! Reading is just not high on my like list. Reading for fun is incredible. But then, answering many questions and even writing an essay, my interest in reading went from calm to not-so-cool. And I just described PSSA Reading, and guess what? The state thinks there is so much fun that it gives our 5th graders three PSSA Reading tests! Yippee! Let me introduce you to PSSA Reading's secret weapon, TDA. Why so scary? One tiny point off TDA is worth a hundred or so points! Yes, I said 100 (or so)! Guess how much is the total for PSSA Reading? It cost about 2,000 points. That's 5% off your total score, not to mention the other wrong answers you got. After a lot of arguing in my head, I finally decided that the test is considered challenging and likely will be for the test takers taking PSSA Reading. The test is out there, looking for you, hunting for you, and it will get you, no matter how smart you are. But perhaps it won't if you're prepared. 【红霞译】
现在让我来介绍一下宾州阅读统考的秘密武器——文字分析,你知道为什么令人担惊受怕吗?文字分析中微不足道的一分相当于阅读总分中一百分左右﹗对,我说的100分上下﹗猜猜宾州阅读统考总共有多少分﹖大约2000分。也就是说,文字分析占据了全部阅读总分的百分之五,且不谈其它错丢的分数。 经过反复思虑之后,我得出结论,考试本身的确具有挑战性,而且专门针对参加应试的考生。无论你有多聪明,考题总想刁难你,千方百计给你设套,叫你束手无策。当然,如果你有备而来,结果也许不同。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: Isabella Island, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔献身上帝岛)
2011: 埃及亚历山大(Alexandria—Pearl of the Mediterranean, EGY) 
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