2014-07-07 Minor Heat 【Aiden in English】
The 2014 World Cup is entering the final stages, and the world is on the edge of its seats. Back at Lansdale Catholic HS, another soccer showdown is beginning... Today was the first day of Soccer Camp. Surprisingly, I would have to say that I was probably the best player in the group regarding accurate shots, speed, foot & eye coordination, precise passes, and strong foot. The only problem was that I seemed like Neymar, the Brazilian forward. I had barely anyone who could keep up. I knew all the others were a few years younger, but it didn't mean not chasing the ball. The one kid who I liked on my team was not only fast but also determined. It was the very determination that required stealing the ball, shooting, scaring, and defending. All while having a heck of a time. Maybe I was taking the situation too seriously. This wasn't the World Cup, and I certainly wasn't Neymar. So perhaps I should relax a bit. After all, this is only Summer Camp. And here, it's all about having fun. 【红霞译】
今天是足球夏令营的第一天,就投篮准确度、移动快速化、眼脚协调性、传球到位率、踢球力量型而论,我出乎意料地成为整个分组里最棒的球员,在此重申本人丝毫没有添油加醋的成分。问题出在,我如同巴西队前锋内马尔,几乎无人敢跟我抗衡。当然,我非常清楚地意识到,其他球员小我几岁,尽管他们不应因此而影响发挥追球的能力。我十分欣赏本队一位球员敏捷果断,正因为这种果断,你才会在球场上积极断球、狠命射门、给对方造成威胁以及拼抢防守,古人云﹕“冰冻三尺非一日之寒,滴水穿石非一日之功”,上述所有球技都需要时间去打磨。 也许我言过其实,况且这并非世界杯赛,而我肯定不是内马尔。因此,我大概应该适当放松自己,凡事别那么较真。言而总之,置身于夏令营之中,吃喝玩乐方为终极目的。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: 费城富兰克林科学博物馆(Franklin Institute, Philadelphia) 2012: Stage Taste(演戏兴趣) 2011: 业余活动(Extracurricular Activities) 2010: 讨价还价外传(Another Bargain) 
Tackle hard (硬性拦截 05-10-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |