2014-08-02 Chinese Valentine's Day

【Aiden in English】
The Mesoamerican Biological Corridor, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the place to be for the summer. There is nothing like a paradise for relaxing because of its beautiful barrier reefs, white beaches, open blue skies, and abundant marine creatures. So, my family booked a flight from US Airways and packed our bags from Philadelphia, PA, to Miami, FL, where Carnival Glory waited to take us to the heavenly Western Caribbean. One of the best ways to get around the area is to go on a cruise ship. Cruises are the most luxurious and most extraordinary, not to mention style. Our ship became the largest, with 15 floors of fun, food, and friendly people (Triple F) docked in the Miami Port. However, our cabin was perfectly fit for my tiny sis, not four people. It looked smaller than the one Mom and I traveled via Celebrity Xpedition in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. Four full-size beds occupied the entire room and left little space for a chair. Nevertheless, this ship sounded excellent except for the cramped room. There were some incredible adventures ahead of us in a week. But still, I couldn't wait to go on this epic journey. 【红霞译】
出游该地区最好的方式之一就是乘坐游轮,游轮豪华舒适,且不说品位特别。从外观上来看,“嘉年华·光荣”号游轮算得上停靠在迈阿密港口所有船苹中最雄伟的一艘,共有十五个楼层,到处充满欢乐、美食、友善(三项重要指标均以“F”打头),然而我们蜗居的船舱却小得可怜,塞进个头不大的妹妹倒没有什麽问题,可要装下老少三代谈何容易,它看起来比妈妈带我去厄瓜多尔巨龟岛旅游时乘坐的“精致·探索”号游轮还要狭窄,四张单人床铺顶天立地,剩下的地方搁把椅子都非常困难。 说东道西,除了舱位寒碜之外,这艘游轮真的蛮好,未来一个星期将带我们四处发掘不少奇观异景,我恨不能这趟辉煌旅程马上开始。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: 工作聚餐(Business Lunch) 
PHL (费城国际机场) 
Metropolitan Miami (迈阿密大都会)

Fisher Island in Miami-Dade County (迈阿密—契约郡·渔夫岛) 
MacArthur Causeway, Miami (迈阿密·高贵之子铜锣湾) 
MacArthur Causeway Bridge, Miami (迈阿密·高贵之子堤道桥) 
Venetian Causeway Bridge, Miami (迈阿密·威尼斯堤道桥) 
Miami Canal (迈阿密运河) 
Biscayne Bay, Miami (迈阿密·巴斯克湾) 
Government Cut in Dodge Island (躲闪岛·政府挖泥) 
Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮) 
Carnival Glory over Biscayne Bay, Miami (迈阿密巴斯克湾—嘉年华·荣耀号游轮 08-02-2014) 
Lido @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—海滨游乐园 08-02-2014) 
Platinum Dining @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—白金餐厅 08-02-2014)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 航游加勒比海(Caribbean)
5th Grade(小学五年级) |