2016-04-12 【Aiden in English】
So, PSSAs are all rolling around, and they suck. I mean, sure, they determine how good your school is. But do we need three hours to answer six questions for the seventh and eighth graders? A piece of advice my friends gave me in the fourth grade was to bring gum. This year, Mom and I happened to run out. Therefore, on her way to Costco, Mom swiftly snatched up a box of Trident and unplanned supplies like a bag of cute numbers and a bowl of cherry tomatoes. The staff of Costco at Montgomeryville knows us pretty well. When I was younger, the guy checking the receipt at the exit would sometimes draw a smiley face on the back occasionally, making me laugh. I’m too cool to go to the store, so I stay home and do whatever I want. Mom went shopping for gum and groceries. There was a mistake. As mom was checking out, the cashier cheerfully chatted about the flower dress and violet coat mom had put on and didn’t add on the third item: the Trident. As usual, Mom got the receipt and hardly looked at it. When Mom went to the lady standing at the doorway who checked the receipts, she noticed an item was missing. As soon as the manager was called and made a copy of her receipt, the gum came free. He said it was a “Customer First Policy” where all mistakes are made up this way. Mom believed it was unnecessary, as she could just pay for it anyway, plus it would save time, but instead, we got a discount. Mom has been a frequent shopper at Costco for more than 20 years and never experienced it before. Here, why am I telling you about this unexpected incident? Well, for one, it is not a Costco commercial, but I don’t discourage you from going there. Mom went to the store to get gum, and the fact that it came for free was quite something. Besides, even if it were another item that wasn’t scanned, she wouldn’t have minded if it was returned. I guess life can throw a twist at you, sometimes, for the good, too. 【红霞译】
终于,宾州学校评估考试滚滚袭来,其实纯属添乱,依我说衡量老师教学水平固然无可厚非,但犯得上让初中二、三年级的学生耗费三个钟头来回答六个问题吗?早在小学四年级时哥儿们曾告诫口香糖醒脑提神,可当下我和妈妈竟把它忘得一干二净。没辙,妈妈只好在下班后取道好市多仓储量贩店专门购买一盒“三叉戟”牌口香糖,尚不觉过瘾,顺手又捎回一袋小黄瓜和一盆樱桃西红柿。 宾州巨人山小镇里有一家“好市多”,其工作人员大都跟我们很熟,记得小时候每每买完东西,出口处当班稽查职工经常会在收据的背面给我画上一个笑脸,逗得我禁不住哈哈大笑。如今我长大了,对超市商场唯恐避之不及,情愿呆在家里做自己想做的事情,因此添置口香糖以及购买食物的重任全部落到妈妈肩上。显然今天非同以往,当妈妈交钱付账时,女出纳员一见到她身穿花苞连衣裙和紫色风衣外套立刻攀谈起来,结果忘记结算第三样物品:口香糖。按照惯例,妈妈接过收据后对上面罗列各项从不过目,何况当时光顾得聊天,注意力根本没放在购物上。妈妈来到门口直到复核人员查验时才发现帐单上缺了一项货品,商店经理闻讯赶到现场,当即复制一份收据清单,并慷慨将口香糖免费送给了妈妈。根据公司“顾客至上的规章制度”,好市多承担一切因疏忽而导致的经济责任。妈妈认为完全没有必要,既然卖方无意出错,买方愿补缺额,再说这样反倒节省时间,哪想天上掉馅饼。过去廿年间,妈妈可谓好市多常客,但有生以来还是头一次经历今天这番奇遇。 在这里我何必要如此大张旗鼓地昭示天下呢?首先,我之所以这么说并非要替好市多推销业务,恰恰相反,本人从不打击你去那里购物的积极性。妈妈原想自掏腰包购买口香糖,不料最后带回来的所需商品却是免费的,如果换成可买可不买的黄瓜或西红柿,恐怕她都会算了。在我看来,人生本身充满戏剧性,有时不免叫你惊喜连连。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: 中年庆生(Mid-Age Celebration) 2011: 埃及首都开罗(Capital Cairo, Egypt) 2009: 春意芳菲(Sprung Spring) 
Receipt (收据) 
Trident Fruit Variety Pack (三叉戟水果综合装) 
Cherry Tomatoes (圣女果) 
CuteCumbers (零食黄瓜) Crosslink(相关博文): 7th Grade(初中二年级) |