【Aiden in English】
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are two countries that still rule a monarchy system. Although Her Majesty isn't in that much power anymore, the country has unique attributes derived from its government's history. One such tradition is the changing of the guard. Being the only one in control of an entire country, the Queen of the UK requires much protection, whereas a president isn't the only one who controls a nation and passes the laws. Having a fascinating history of Knights in shining armor, Her Majesty used to have groups of Knights stand guards to her, but nowadays, security people can sit on their lazy butts and watch cameras, disregarding any privacy. I'm also pretty sure they can't "guard" the Queen from a nuke or something, so I think it has just become a tourist attraction. The fascinating part of seeing a group of guards is nothing much more than their attire. I always wonder if changing posts were added to make things more enjoyable, as they have the complete package included. Who needs Broadway when you have guards who can dress up in medieval gear and play instruments? Okay, maybe this isn't Broadway, but it is very amusing to watch a simple thing go down, such as changing a guard post. As we approached the spot of the action, the first thing I realized about the guards was that they were so formal. Everything was in line; everyone had the same outfit, everyone did the same motions, and nobody had any expression. Each and everyone's face looked as if he was going to war. At the motion of a conductor, the guards raised their instruments, which included the entire concert band. Sucking in a breath, the band began to play... Stevie Wonder is not the type of American composer who, to my standards, writes formal, medieval music. So, the band surprised the audience with fancy jazz, using one of his hottest jazz songs, Sir Duke. The song has become an intonational sensation, and its main melody transformed into a jingle that everyone could recognize over the years. The song is short, so within minutes, the band turned around and marched away, playing a different, more appropriate piece of music. The other main headline is the one everyone probably saw on CNN at one time or another. The U.K. was leaving the EU, which is big news. During a walk around the Palace of Westminster or Houses of Parliament, we happened to jump up on a news export station, and the attractive factor was the number of protestors. The signs ranged from pictures to words, but most share an ordinary meaning of "don't leave the EU." The area was sectioned off, so the public couldn't enter, but Mom did so anyway. Multiple stations were set up, with newscasters reporting random topics. I don't know how they feel when mom approaches one of them and snaps a photo with a flash right in his face while the camera is alive, though. No one will see in the audience, so it is alright. They'll witness a mysterious flash of white light in the reporter's eyes, making him blink many times. 【红霞译】
作为掌控国家命脉的最高君主,英国女王需要加强保护;相形之下,总统却无法成为统治政权签署法令的唯一领袖。历史上金甲武装的骑士团身手不凡,女王陛下往往把他们当作自己的贴身护卫;如今保安屁股坐稳用不着挪窝,只要盯住摄像机就成,况且无需顾虑任何隐私,我敢打赌这些卫兵根本没法“保驾”女王免遭核弹或其它武器威胁,所以说换岗仪式不过是吸引观光客眼球的景点而已。 其实卫队换岗的魅力在于服饰行头,因其整套动作规范标致,我禁不住暗自思忖,莫非换岗真是为了迎合大众喜好而增设的游览项目。这群士兵身着中世纪服装,手握乐器吹吹打打,有谁还想去看百老汇歌舞表演?哦它也许不能与百老汇相提并论,但亲眼目睹像卫队换岗这么一个简单过程还是蛮有意思的,等真正来到现场后我才意识到换岗仪式相当讲究,卫兵们列成方队,身着统一制服,步伐协调整齐,表情严肃不苟言笑,好像要赶赴战场冲锋陷阵似的,方队指挥官手臂一挥,卫兵们高举各种管乐乐器,先深吸一口气,然后开始合奏……
以我个人之见,美国盲人歌手并不是那种擅长谱写规范化中世纪音乐的美国作曲家,因此当卫兵乐队吹奏其脍炙人口的爵士作品《公爵先生》时,大大出乎我们观众所料。这首曲子韵律感极强,多少年来其主旋律早已成为家喻户晓的经典之作,乐曲音节不多,卫兵们花不了几分钟时间吹奏便转到下面更适合换岗仪式的音乐主题上。 今天其它主要新闻大概就是美国有线电视新闻网上时不时发布的跟踪报道内容,英国离开欧洲联盟,这可是头版头条。我们沿着西敏宫英国议会大厦闲逛,无意走近各国媒体临时搭建的新闻发布中心,最引人注目的恐怕非抗议示威人群莫属,他们手举印有图片或者写成文字的标语牌,旨在表达“切勿离开欧盟”的共同心愿。记者站被圈成特区,闲人一概免进,但妈妈我行我素,继续深入猎奇;诸多电台就地设点,播音员及时报道随机新闻,我真不知道他们看到妈妈对准其中一位被采访的国会议员按下快门作何感想,当时摄像机开着,一切都采用现场直播,好在无人把注意力放到观众一边,拍张相片倒也没啥了不起的,不过他们将亲自目击一道神秘的闪光灯突现在记者面前,刺得他不停地眨巴眼睛。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Constanta, the Oldest City ROU(罗马尼亚坚定城·最古老的城市) 2015: Bucharest, La Belle Epoque Romania(罗马尼亚布加勒斯特·美好时光) 2015: Bucharest, Balkan Paris in Romania(罗马尼亚布加勒斯特·巴尔干的巴黎) 2015: Dimitrie Gusti, Natl Village Museum ROU(罗马尼亚国家乡村馆) 2015: Ceausescu's Dictatorship, Romania(罗马尼亚齐奥塞斯库独裁) 2014: YMCA Camp—Outdoor Pool-1(基督教青年会营户外戏水池之一) 2012: 妹子亚洲餐厅(Mei's Asian Diner)
Marlborough Road (石镇路 06-24-2016)
Sentry of the Grenadier Guards Posted outside St James' Palace (掷弹兵卫队哨兵在后来者宫外值班)
Marching Band outside St James' Palace (后来者宫外军乐队)
Queen's Guards (女王卫队)
Sentries of the London Regiment (伦敦军团哨兵)
Queen's Life Guards (女王近身卫队)
Royal Carriage (皇家马车)
Household Cavalry (皇家卫队骑兵)
Police Patrol (警察巡逻)
The Mall (林荫大道 06-24-2016) Royal Horse Artillery (皇家骑兵队炮兵 06-24-2016)
A Sentry of the King's Troop (皇家卫队哨兵)
Buckingham Palace (白金汉宫 06-24-2016)
Ten Downing Street (唐宁街十号)
Horse Guards Parade (骑兵卫队阅兵场 06-24-2016)
Façade of Admiralty Arch (水师提督门·正面 06-24-2016)
Back of Admiralty Arch (水师提督门·背面)
Albert Memorial (高贵纪念亭 06-24-2016)
Parliament Square (议会广场 06-24-2016)
Palace of Westminster (议会大厦 06-24-2016)
Brexit Demonstrators @ Palace of Westminster (议会大厦·英国退欧示威者)
Brexit Press Conference @ Palace of Westminster (议会大厦·英国退欧记者招待会 06-24-2016)
Congressman @ Press Conference, Palace of Westminster (议会大厦·议员答记者问)
Western Façade of Westminster Abbey (西敏寺·西面) North Façade Built in Gothic Style @ Westminster Abbey
(西敏寺·北立面哥特式风格 06-24-2016) The Cloisters of Westminster Abbey (西敏寺回廊 06-24-2016)
Plaque of Edmond Halley @ Westminster Abbey (西敏寺——《繁荣守望者·哈雷》匾额)
Navigators' Memorial @ Westminster Abbey (西敏寺·航海家纪念牌) Chapter House and Pyx Chamber @ Westminster Abbey (西敏寺·会议室与圆顶地下室 06-24-2016)
The Oldest Door of UK @ Westminster Abbey (西敏寺·英国最老的门) Old Phone Booth (老电话亭 06-24-2016)
Conrad London St James (伦敦后来者大胆忠告酒店 06-24-2016)
Afternoon Tea @ Conrad London St James (伦敦后来者大胆忠告酒店·下午茶 06-24-2016) St James's Park (后来者公园 06-24-2016)
St James's Park Lake (后来者公园湖 06-24-2016)
Mandarin Duck (鸳鸯) Crosslinks(相关博文): London Metropolis of the Empire, UK(英格兰伦敦帝国大都会)
Tower of London, UK(英格兰伦敦塔) River Thames in London, UK(英格兰伦敦泰晤士河)
UK(出游英国) Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |