2017-01-15 【Aiden in English】
I’ve failed one too many times on this single piano piece to count. The funny thing is, I continuously mess up at the most unexpected part. Not that the times before mattered, but this particular try was quite different. It counted for something more than our self-evaluation. I say “our” because it is the duo piano Mozart piece I’ve been practicing for nearly half a year. The Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major K448 3rd Movement by Mozart contained some of the worst performance moments in my career. Twice, I messed up on memory, and twice more, I played incorrect notes. In earlier performances, there wasn’t much on the line. My partner and I may be embarrassed, but our teacher always had the hope that these lessons, when the real deal arrived, would be ready. “Ready for what?” Well, the local Philadelphia Music Teachers Association hosts a competition for concertos and duo pieces, and according to my teacher, it isn't easy to win. Truthfully, we never were quite “ready.” No, I think we practiced enough, and the teamwork was there. I didn’t think we were mentally prepared enough. Playing on your own is very easy, so to speak. You don’t have to worry about the other person or worry about following up on a strict time. Here’s how I see it when two people play the same song. You have four hands, so there are two times the possibility of messing up. Because there are two people and not one, the second piano part must always look at the first piano for time and cues, especially after long rest periods. Also, since the parts can’t fight each other, one of the piano parts must always be quiet. With all these factors, there was much to consider before the competition. The grading sheet is a single piece of paper, with scores out of ten on the accuracy, phrasing, and all the basic terms of music. Upon reading the categories, I felt pretty good. Then, when I sat at the piano, my mind went blank, and the first note I played … was wrong. I guess it’s true about how music connects people. Well, my partner later also screwed in a reasonably simple area. It's funny how nervous energy can chain through people. And once again, I messed up, and so did he. Overall, it was a disaster, much worse than the other performance. We had a good laugh. The experience was significant because I couldn’t continue to succeed forever. However, it was still very embarrassing, nevertheless. 【红霞译】
我觉得音乐的魅力在于把大家联系在一起,是啊,没过多久我的搭档也在小河沟里翻船,神经能竟引起人间如此连锁反应,实在好笑。接下来我再次失手,而他又紧步后尘,总而言之,这次表演真是一场史无前例的磨难。 演出结束后,我俩一笑了之,凡事重在参与,毕竟我不可能总是一帆风顺,然而今天场上表现确实令人尴尬。 
Two Pianos in D Major K448 3rd Movement by Mozart (莫扎特《D大调双钢琴奏鸣曲作品K448第三乐章》01-15-2017) 
Teacher Lena & Her Students (陈老师与学生们 01-25-2017) Crosslinks(相关博文): 2016 Recital @ Dorothy Sutton Music Fest(音乐教师节汇报演出) 2013年音乐教师节(2013 Dorothy Sutton Music Fest) 2011年钢琴考级与音乐教师节(2011 Dorothy Sutton Music Fest) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |