【Aiden in English】
It's another Christmas. I'm not all that excited because of this year. Once again, I didn’t get anything new. There were no presents under the Christmas tree, no stockings full of stuff. It was just a trip to Maryland from my home in PA for four days. Leaving at eleven-thirty morning, arriving at my mom’s friend's house would take around three hours. We stayed at their house over Christmas since the hostess, Qiuping, became Mom's closest girlfriend more than thirty years ago. The adventure began far before we even arrived, though. On the road to Maryland, many scenic pictures appeared to us, and they evoked Mom yelling at me for a camera. In one specific picture, we were crossing the bridge, and I was tempted to leave the camera in the back of my car seat if we didn’t catch up with the traffic. Both sides of the bridge had fogged up to a point where it seemed we were above the clouds. Knowing my mom's excellent, professional driving skills, I gave her the camera and hoped we would plummet to our deaths as she took one of her hands off the wheel to grab the camera. Since I'm writing this, you can infer I’m still alive. We got to our destination reasonably early, at only around one-thirty. Mom was ecstatic about meeting her old friends, and I was the main topic for a while, mainly because I was so skinny. I guess getting a fever had its good side. Not that it's worth getting one, but you know, the weight loss is admirable. At their new house, which was highly spotless, Qiuping and her husband Li were quite happy and made us an enormous dinner. It looked good with poached chicken, roasted lamb chops, sautéed shrimp, baked salmon, boiled duck, etc. The chicken was peeled into strips the size and thickness of the noodles. That infused it with flavor, but it wasn't as good as the shrimp, which tasted phenomenal. Salmon, which I usually despised, tasted surprisingly clean. It usually sensed like someone rubbing salmon in the dirt, but the flavor of the soil was not there today. Their son Ning also came home to help us with the feast and brought his girlfriend, Jessica. Together, the seven of us finished around a third of the food. Please talk about the leftovers we would have. There was even more than Thanksgiving. Christmas, which usually isn't that big in our home, was welcomed in Mom's friends' household. It was fun and giving, as I got my first Christmas presents in three years. As to all of you, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 【红霞译】
根据上述我所描述的场景,你足以推断本人毫毛未损安然无恙。下午1:30我们终于抵达目的地,从时间上来说还算较快。一见到老朋友,妈妈欣喜若狂,彼此简短聊了一会我如何瘦身神速,让我领悟到发烧的益处,当然谁都犯不上靠这种方式减肥,但归根结底瘦比胖好。主人家新房一尘不染,秋萍阿姨及其夫婿力儿叔叔十分开心,并为我们准备了丰盛晚餐,白切鸡、烤羊排、红烧虾、烘鲑鱼、卤全鸭等应有尽有。烧好的鸡肉再被撕成条状,其粗细大小跟面条差不多,表面浇上调料,虽然看上去不及大虾诱人,但吃起来口感叫绝。我平日极少沾鲑鱼的边,总觉得有一股土腥味,但今天尝过之后方知何谓纯正,绝对没有丁点怪味。主人家崟公子偕同女朋友杰西卡回家赴宴,七位亲朋好友济济一堂,海吃山喝勉强干掉三分之一珍馔佳肴,可以想象我们到底剩下了多少饭菜食物,准保叫感恩节自叹弗如。 一般情况下,我家难得烹饪如此精美的圣诞大餐,妈妈的朋友不遗余力盛情款待了我们,使整个节日充满欢悦与向往,三年来我头一次重新收到圣诞厚礼,至此顺便问候天下所有同胞,圣诞快乐新年幸福!
Christmas Day in History(历史上的圣诞节):
2014: A Christmas Day @ Longwood Gardens, PA(宾州杜邦花园过圣诞)
2013: Christmas over Indian Ocean(印度洋上过圣诞节) 2012: Christmas @ Sea, Chile(智利游轮上过圣诞) 2010: 节日礼物(Holiday Gifts) 2009: 新西兰基督城(Christchurch, NZ)
Christmas Traffic on I-95 (95号州际公路圣诞节拥堵)
Christmas Dinner (圣诞晚宴 12-26-2015)
Baked Salmon (烤鲑鱼)
Boiled Duck Cubes w/ Spicy (五香酱鸭)
Braised Bean Curd w/ Century Egg (红烧豆腐皮蛋)
Buddha's Delight (罗汉斋)
Chicken Soup w/ Yuba, Yam & Wolfberry (腐竹山药枸杞鸡汤)
Fried Chrysanthemum Leaves (炒上海小油菜)
Sauteed Shrimps (红烧虾仁)
Steamed Chicken Breast Slices w/ Parsley (香菜白斩鸡胸脯丝)
Fried Chive Sprouts w/ Sausage (香肠炒韭黄)
Roasted Lamb Ribs (烤羊排)
Roasted Lamb Chops (烤羊排) Crosslink(相关博文): 7th Grade(初中二年级) |