2017-01-28 Chinse Spring Festival 【Aiden in English】
There aren’t many traditions in my family. We set up a Christmas tree around the holiday season, and that’s about it for Christmas. It’s not like we don’t celebrate. Instead, it’s just different every year round. Sometimes, it’s walking along with some exotic Pacific islands in the middle of the water. Other instances include me watching college football by myself. But because each year is so unique, I can’t predict what will happen. Well, one of the only things I know will occur is the Chinese New Year celebration at China Grace Christian Church. This nearby church holds a prominent festival of performances all on one night, where the program is jammed with Chinese cultural shows. There is typically some singing, followed by dancing, and probably more singing. Here’s the thing about these kinds of celebrations. They don’t change. And I think that is a remarkable thing about tradition. Traditions are born when something becomes engraved in a culture. I believe each family has its own culture, and since they choose their traditions, it builds the cultural aspects and uniqueness of everyone. Every year, I can count on this event to symbolize the culture of the Chinese New Year, with all kinds of entertaining presentations of the New Year. This year is the year of the rooster, a symbol of fidelity. Ask the people alive a few hundred years ago, and you may or may not find an answer. It also symbolizes exorcising evil spirits (exorcising- vocab word). Everyone has New Year’s resolutions, but no one follows them after January. So now that the start of February has come along, I want to make better resolutions for the New Year I respect more. I want to commit to the projects and sporting events I sign up for. Not that I don’t do such already. It’s just simply that I don’t get involved as much as I would want to. Secondly, which probably is the biggest one, I want to stop procrastinating. I understand this takes time to develop as a habit, but the rooster, because it calls out in the morning to start the day, somewhat symbolizes the call to begin attacking work before it can build up. Sure, I rarely complete work late, but the stress of piling up projects is not fun. Finally, I want to be more engaged, especially with friends. School is the only place I see them, and I hope they can soon change. 【红霞译】
第二点,也许是最重要的一点,我要改掉拖拖沓沓的作风,本人深知这种恶习绝非一朝一夕便能剔除,但连公鸡都能持之以恒早起打鸣,我何苦折腾自己非得把布置的任务积压成堆才开始动手。没错,我难得推延完成时间,但是因课业遗留问题所带来的负面压力让心里感激不是滋味。 最后一点,我要多加体验生活,尤其跟朋友一道,目前学校几乎成了朋友相聚的唯一场所,但愿尽快扭转这种局面。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2017: Conn-Selmer Band Clinic(康塞尔默乐队技术指导) 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-5(2017年乡村娱乐篮球队第五场比赛) 2009: 巴拿马运河(Panama Canal) 2008: 圣托马斯岛—加勒比海门户(Carribean Gateway, Saint Thomas) 
Jehovah Full Blessing (耶和华祝福满满) 
Jehovah is love (耶和华是爱) 
We have a story to tell to the nations (传给万邦的故事 01-28-2017) 
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (善牧慈恩) 
Hold Your Hands with My Heart (用我的心握住你的手) 
Choirs (唱诗班) 
Go Rest High On That Mountain (在那座山上高高地休息) 
94-Yr-Old Singer (94岁高龄的歌唱家) 
Hymn (赞美诗)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 2015 CNY Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo @ CGCC, PA(2015年宾州神州教会抖空竹) 2012: 电子时代的百家饭(iParty) 2011: 压岁钱(Lucky Money) 2010: 愿望排行榜(Wish List) 2009: 阿鲁巴—开心之岛(One Happy Island, Aruba) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |