【Trumpets】 Georg Trakl (1887—1914) Under the trimmed willows, where brown children are playing And leaves tumbling, the trumpets blow. A quaking of cemeteries. Banners of scarlet rattle through the sadness of maple trees, Riders along rye-fields, empty mills.
Or shepherds sing during the night, and stags step delicately Into the circle of their fire, the grove’s sorrow immensely old, Dancing, they loom up from one black wall; Banners of scarlet, laughter, insanity, trumpets. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《小号》】 农夫•特拉克尔(1887生—1914卒) 在修剪过的柳树下,棕发的孩童玩耍 树叶翻滚,小号吹响。墓地一阵摇晃。 鲜红的旗帜猎猎地穿过枫树林的悲伤, 旗手驰过黑麦地,空旷的磨坊。
或有牧羊人在夜间歌唱,成年的雄鹿优雅地 步入他们的火圈,树林那古老而巨大的悲哀, 舞动着,它们突然从一道黑墙窜出; 鲜红的旗帜,笑声,疯狂,小号。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2017: Eisriesenwelt, King of Ice Caves(奥地利埃斯瑞森维尔·冰洞之王)
2016: Capital Stockholm, Sweden(瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩)
2015: World's Smallest Country, Holy See(梵蒂冈─世界最小的国家)
2015: Roman Colosseum, Italy(意大利罗马角斗场)
2014: July 4th Party(独立节聚会) 2013: 四年级独立节(Fourth Grade Patriots) 2012: 三年级独立节(Third Grade Patriots) 2009: 天生的节拍(Natural Beats)
Hohensalzburg Castle (高盐堡) Loretto Spiritual Center of St. Blaise (口吃月桂树精神中心)
Catacombs of Petersfriedhof (磐石墓·地下坟穴)
Domes of Dreifaltigkeitskirche (三一教堂·穹顶) Bell Tower of Franziskanerkirche (方济会教堂·钟楼)
Façade of Salzburger Dom (盐堡大教堂·外观)
Dome of Salzburger Dom (盐堡大教堂·穹顶)
Glockenspiel of Salzburger Dom (盐堡大教堂·钟楼) High Altar of Salzburger Dom (盐堡大教堂·主圣坛)
Central Dom of Saint Rupert and Saint Vergilius in Salzburger Dom (盐堡大教堂·名声显赫和纯洁拱顶)
Vault over the Crossing of Salzburger Dom (盐堡大教堂·交叉圆拱)
Organ of Salzburger Dom (盐堡大教堂·管风琴)
Mozart as the Organist for Salzburger Dom (莫扎特曾担任盐堡大教堂风琴手)
Side Altar of Salzburger Dom (盐堡大教堂·圣坛)
Pulpit of Salzburger Dom (盐堡大教堂·讲坛) Sanctuary of Salzburger Dom (盐堡大教堂·圣所)
Clock Tower of Stift Sankt Peter (磐石修道院·钟楼)
Courtyard of Stift Sankt Peter (磐石修道院·庭院) Fountain of Stift Sankt Peter (磐石修道院·喷泉) Weather Station (1888), Stift Sankt Peter (磐石修道院·建于1888年的气象站) Gilded Bronze Romanesque Details on the Door, Stift Sankt Peter (磐石修道院·罗马式镀金青铜门)
Restaurant Gate of Stift Sankt Peter (磐石修道院·餐厅大门)
Outdoor Restaurant of Stift Sankt Peter (磐石修道院·户外餐厅)
Dining Restaurant of Stift Sankt Peter (磐石修道院·堂吃餐厅)
Großes Festspielhaus (艺术节演出大厅) Herbert von Karajan Geburtshaus (指挥家卡拉扬出生地)
Christian Doppler Birth House (数学家多普勒出生地)
Mozart-Wohnhaus (莫扎特故居)
Library @ Univ of Salzburg (盐堡大学·图书馆) Narrow Alley w/ A Width of 1.42m between 1830 and 1860 (建于1830—1860年间距1.42米的窄巷)
Rathaus (市政厅)
Salzach (盐堡河)
Sigmundstor (胜利门) Skylight (天井)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 2016: Moscow the Third Rome, Russia(俄罗斯莫斯科─第三罗马) 2015: Roma the Eternal City, Italy(意大利罗马—永恒之城) Austria(出游奥地利)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |