2014-06-16 【Aiden in English】
It's sad to have a family member experience a surgery ordeal. The treatment is painful, and so is the recovery. That's why I go to the rehabilitation center where Grandma stays to cheer her on to full recovery. The arthroplasty was performed on Grandma's right knee due to severe osteoarthritis. Earlier last week, Dr. Grant, an orthopedic surgeon, replaced her kneecap or patella with a large metal tray at Einstein Medical Center, PA. It sounded so complicated, and I was scared to death. After surgery, she has to be transferred to a rehab center and put through challenging exercises every day before she can get back on her feet. I feel terrible for her, considering the pain she's been through. Worst of all, I can't do anything but pray. She is clearly in discomfort even though she takes a variety of painkillers. I know that Grandma will benefit from medical treatment in the long run. Yet it is challenging just standing by and waiting. 【红霞译】 外婆的近况令我难过,最为无奈的是,除了祈祷减轻疾苦之外,我束手无策。尽管每天外婆遵照医嘱服用大剂量止痛药,但是病痛还会无情地折磨她老人家。我心里明白,从长远来看,外婆终将从眼下手术治疗中获益。然而,让我呆在旁边眼巴巴地目睹一切,实在于心不甘。 外婆患有老年性骨关节炎,严重到不得不接受人工膝盖置换手术治疗的程度,上星期早些时候,宾州爱因斯坦医学中心整形外科医生给她右膝盖换上了人造金属替代品,听起来复杂得要命,看上去却又可怕得要死。手术出院后,她被转送到康复中心,夜以继日地进行艰苦训练,为的是能够尽快过上正常生活。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: Persuasive─Sell(劝说文─推销)
2011: 二年级结业典礼(Second Grade Ceremony) 2010届光华中文学校毕业典礼(2010 GHCS Commencement)
Knee Replacement (膝关节置换手术 06-06-2014)
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