2012-06-29 【Aiden in English】
We celebrate Fat Friday, the first Friday in Germantown Academy Summer Camp every year. We have unique themes for it. This time, the theme was Superheroes. In theater camp, everyone except me wore a costume like Wizard in Ravenclaw of Harry Potter, Superman, Batman, Hulk, Spiderman, Loki, Nick Fury, and Red Arrow. I tried on Tornadoes, a cartoon logo representing a young American football team. We did not have a rehearsal today because it was Fat Friday. Instead, we played games all day long. First, we played Blob Tag. The rules are that if a tagger tags you, you must hold hands with the tagger. The only way to win is to be the last one NOT tagged. I won one time out of four rounds. Next, we played Mafia. There is a narrator in this game. Depending on the number of players, they pick several mafias, including a sheriff and an angel. Everyone closes their eyes every round. The narrator will call out the mafia(s), the sheriff, and the angel one by one secretly. The mafia(s) will choose someone to kill. The sheriff is supposed to protect someone from being accused by the mafia. The angel will try to predict the mafia's next victim and save them. After everyone has been picked, the narrator tells a story about the person the mafias kill and how they die. If the sheriff guesses the right person to be a mafia, the mafia is sent to prison for their life. If the angel saves the person who is meant to die, the person continues playing. The only way to win is to kill all the mafias. Later, we played Freeze Dance. When the music starts, you have to dance. When it stops, you will freeze. If you move when the music is stopped, you're out. You are also out if you don't dance when the music is on. The last person left in the game is a winner. We got not only our play script but flavor ices like popsicles. Everybody could have as many as four. They were perfect for a day at 100oF/37.8oC. My mom thought one was for her when she came to pick me up and saw me holding two. My favorite one was pink. It tasted like a sort of lemonade. The green one I had was lime. The dark red flavor is always like cherry. The blue one was blue raspberry. This will be the most remembered day in theater camp by far. 【红霞译】
每年捷门堂夏令营都要庆祝“逍遥星期五”,即开营后第一个星期五,而每次它都含有特定的主题。这回,我们给它冠上“超级英雄日”。除我而外,所有的戏剧营营员都分别打扮成哈利•波特中雷文克劳巫师、造福于人类的超人、伸张正义的蝙蝠侠、见义勇为的蜘蛛侠、狂暴好怒的绿巨人浩克、宇宙间充当恶势力的洛基、神盾局特工尼克•福瑞、正义联盟成员红箭客;我则身着“飓风”美式橄榄球卡通队服,与众不同。正因为“逍遥星期五”,今天我们取消了排练,就是要好好玩上一通游戏。 我们先来“抓人捉迷藏”。游戏规则是,如果你被抓人者触摸了身体任何一个部位,你将变成他/她的一部分,并与他/她一起共同去抓其他人,唯一没有被碰到的人终将获胜。四轮游戏下来,我只赢了一轮。 接下来,我们又玩“黑手党”。游戏中解说员需要根据人数任命黑手党成员、警官和天使。每一位游戏手都应闭上眼睛,由解说员秘密指定三种角色,彼此之间互不知道对方是谁。黑手党可以滥杀无辜;警官负责所有百姓生命安全;天使则要预测谁有可能成为黑手党的目标,并妥善加以保护。游戏开始时,当解说员公布黑手党如何杀人之后,警官应该凭借自己的判断力指证谁是黑手党。如果说对的话,黑手党将终生监禁,游戏结束;如果说错的话,百姓因含冤入狱而被淘汰出局。 后来,我们又跳“冻结舞蹈”。音乐一响,我们马上跟着节拍跳舞;音乐一停,我们必须立刻停下来并保持最后的舞姿不动。如果音乐停下来的时候你却没有停下来,那么你将被淘汰出局;如果音乐继续你没有继续,那么你也被淘汰出局。坚持到最后的那位才是真正的赢家。 “逍遥星期五”结束前,我们不仅人手一册剧本,而且还可以海吃4根棒冰。棒冰对于华氏100度/摄氏37.8度的天气而言,犹如久旱逢甘雨一般。妈妈来接我的时候,恰巧见我两只手各握一根棒冰,她异想天开,以为其中一根是我给她留的,岂不自做多情!我喜欢粉色口味的那种,吃起来带有柠檬的味道。绿色的酸橙味,深红色的樱桃味,蓝色的蓝木莓味,同样叫人回味无穷,这是我夏令营以来最开心的时刻。 【后语】
美国人喜欢拿星期五说事,诸如著名的纽约“星期五餐厅”,其全称源于“感谢周末光临”;“黑色星期五”特指每年十一月感恩节过后第一个星期五,人们疯狂血拼降价物品;《十三号星期五》暗示晦气不吉利,好像世界末日随时都有可能到来;便服日(Dress-down/Casual Friday)星期五,公司职员可以随便着装,不必西服革履穿戴严谨;受难日这一天,举国上下各地大中小学全天放假,用以纪念耶稣被罗马统治者钉死在耶路撒冷的十字架上;牛仔日(Country and Western Friday)常常局限于中西部地区,民众喜欢选择这个特定的星期五,将自己打扮成牛仔的模样。 近年来,逍遥星期五悄然流行开来,我任职的公司为了迎合国际新兴市场的需求,甚至推行夏时作息制度,即从周一至周四每天只要工作9个小时,星期五下午便可提早下班,放假半天。
Lego Tonadoes (乐高《龙卷风》06-30-2012)
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