【Aiden in English】
Alright, so now I'm in Shanghai… That was fast. I guess it's expected of a bullet train. Leaving Nanjing in the late morning, we arrived in Shanghai at midday, receiving a warm welcome with delicious Shanghai cuisine. Luckily, the humidity dialed down a notch to a bearable level, and many shops in Shanghai had air conditioning. That would be the first difference I noted between Shanghai and Nanjing. There was quite a drop in degrees Celsius, but the sun shines brightly, I feel, in Shanghai. Perhaps it's the East China Sea beside the city or the lack of ozone above the town, but it is swelteringly hot under the sun. Then you step into one of the many Gucci or Nike stores, which feels like a freezer. This also transitions into another significant difference: there are a lot, I mean a ton, of imported goods. Today's journey took Mom and me along Shanghai's Main Street, like Yu Garden and Nanjing Road, which are typically culturally rich places. However, Shanghai is a port city with a lot of money and visitors, resulting in high cultural diffusion. So, instead of local sportswear, you have American models posing with style, rocking Air Jordan or Gucci sweatshirts. It may seem pointless, but the flare of these streets comes at night when an ocean of people comes out, and police officers have to direct the flow wandering the sidewalk. On any given block, you could have ten police officers lined up with batons and obnoxious whistles tweeting at any sign of stepping out of order. So, what does being the center of Chinese trade make you? Well, you get the best coastal city view in the world. I thought Penn's Landing in Philadelphia at night was magical; Shanghai wanted to destroy that image. And well, I can safely say Shanghai's city coastline blows every other city I've been to out of the water. Surrounding the Bund along the Huangpu River, a mother river, the mouth opens straight into the East China Sea. That should be a beautiful natural sight, but money decides city growth, not scenery, so the spread of skyscrapers swallowed up the mouth on both sides. The result is arguably a more beautiful sight than the river itself. A night lit up by stars, the moon, and an electric glow emitting from several modern pieces of metal. China has a lot of people, as we already know. But seeing so many people worldwide come out at once for a night view of a river is astonishing. I suppose when you get a clean sight like this, it motivates the soul to go out and explore. A black surface extends to the horizon, only to be interrupted by ships and reflections. Then, an opposing bank rises out of the dark, protruding high into the black sky, black as the water, similarly lit by reflection. In limbo hangs a series of modern architectural works of art, testing and turning, lights illuminating the edges, marking the angles, and defining each corner. Later in the night, the Oriental Pearl Tower even put on a light show, drawing 'ohs and 'ahs from the spectators. And what a crowd it was. Massive lines piled up to even get onto the riverside. We went with the flow, and twenty minutes later, we arrived at the night show, all well worth the wait. Today felt like our visit to Rome all over again. We hardly stopped (the most extended break all afternoon was for restrooms) and drained all our water. However, neither the heat nor the people prevented us from exploring (almost). Due to the two days we spent in Shanghai, Mom attempted to cram as much of the city into 24 hours as possible, and I have to say, sometimes more is more. 【红霞译】
可能这是上海与南京之间我所察觉的首要区别,温度低了几度(摄氏),不过阳光火辣,也许因为靠近东海或缺乏臭氧层的缘故,所以天气依旧闷热,可一旦踏入像古驰、耐克之类的商店却恍若钻进冰库,由此引出两地第二个区别:进口产品比比皆是。今天我们的行程集中在豫园及南京路一带,通常列为历史积淀丰富的地方。然而,上海属于港口城市,古往今来生意兴隆群英荟萃,导致文化高度渗透,致使当地体育用品难寻立锥之土,美国模特所做的 “飞人乔丹”鞋款或“古驰”运动衫广告牌铺天盖地,说这些似乎毫无特殊意义,但当夜幕降临霓虹齐放潮水般的游客涌上街头时,警察不得不全力以赴疏导交通,任何一个交叉道口,你都能看到十名警官严阵以待,只要发现有人偏离步行过道,他们立刻挥舞手中的指挥棒并玩命吹响刺耳的哨笛。
中国人口众多早已是既成事实,但亲眼目睹来自五湖四海的游客为观赏夜景共同涌向黄浦江畔的宏大场面还是甚感震撼,我想每当赶上像今晚这么好的能见度,难免让人放飞思想,要不是船只穿梭光线反射,黑黢黢水面一直会延伸到远方的地平线。接着,对岸霓虹划破黑暗,高高悬挂在夜空之中,水天一色珠璧交辉。一系列现代建筑艺术作品仍处于施工阶段,灯光打到框架四周,把边角轮廓照得一清二楚。晚上,东方明珠塔上演了一场灯光秀,阵阵“哦”“啊”惊叹声从围观的人群里迸发出来,气势滂沱。大队人马集结于江边,我们随大流走到哪儿算那儿,廿分钟后表演才开始进行,为此付出的等待非常值得。 今天我仿佛重归罗马,一路上马不停蹄(整个下午歇脚最长的地方非厕所莫属),出了几身臭汗。其实,这既不怪天气炎热也不怨人多拥堵(说得过去),由于上海之行咱前后仅逗留两天时间,所以妈妈打算尽可能把大部头活动安排在廿四小时以内,要我说有时多多益善。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2018: Shanghai—Yu Garden & City God Temple, CN(上海豫园与城隍庙) 2017: Black Forest NP—Home to Cuckoo Clocks(德国黑森林国家公园) 2017: Baden the Longest Wine Region, DEU(德国巴登—跨度最长的葡萄酒区)
2017: Neuf Brisach—Fortification of Vauban, FRA(法国新布赖萨赫—沃邦防御工事) 2017: Breisach the Haven of Romance along the Rhine, DEU(德国布赖萨赫—莱茵河浪漫天堂) 2017: Colmar—Capital of Alsatian Wine(法国科尔马—阿尔萨斯葡萄酒之都) 2017: Colmar the City of Fairy Tale, FRA(法国科尔马—童话之城) 2017: Colmar—Hometown of F. Bartholdi, FRA(法国科尔马—自由女神故乡) 2017: Colmar the Little Venice, FRA(法国科尔马—微型威尼斯) 2017: Strasbourg Kouglof, FRA(法国斯特拉斯堡—奶油圆蛋糕) 2015: Forbidden City, Beijing(北京紫禁城) 2014: YMCA Camp─Dodgeball-3(基督教青年会夏令营─躲避球之三)
Nanjing-Shanghai High-Speed Train (南京──上海高铁 08-22-2018)
1st Class Compartment (高铁一等车厢 08-22-2018)
Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station (上海虹桥火车站 08-22-2018)
Century Square (世纪广场 08-22-2018) Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street w Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World (南京路步行街与上海新世界丽笙大酒店 08-22-2018)
Gateway of Old City New Glory on Lishui Rd (丽水路上古邑新辉牌坊 08-22-2018)
Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street w Shimao Intl Plaza behind (南京路步行街与后面的世茂国际广场 08-22-2018)
Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street (南京路步行街 08-22-2018) Bliss Road, Yu Garden (豫园·福佑路 08-22-2018)
Joy Luck Pavilion @ Yu Garden (豫园·畅熙楼 08-22-2018)
Lu Bo Lang (绿波廊 08-22-2018) Ninghui Pavillion (凝晖阁 08-22-2018)
Yixiulou-Shanghai Tower-Lu Bo Lang (挹秀楼-上海中心大厦-绿波廊 08-22-2018) Old Road (旧校场路 08-22-2018)
Old Temple Gold (老庙黄金 08-22-2018)
New Shanghai @ SML Ctr (日月光中心新上海 08-22-2018)
Huangpu Park (黄浦公园 08-23-2018)
Lujiazui (陆家嘴 08-22-2018)
People's Heroes Monument (人民英雄纪念塔 08-22-2018)
Shashi 1st Rd @ Jiujiang Rd (沙市一路与九江路交界处) Crosslinks(相关博文):
China(出游中国) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |