2025-01-18 National Gourmet Coffee Day

【Carnet de Voyage V·I Am Weary of the Plum (1914)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) I am weary of the plum and of the cherry, And that buff moon in evening's aquarelle, I have no heart within to make me merry. I nod above the books of Heaven or Hell.
All things are old. The new-born swallows fare Through the Spring twilight on dead September's wing. The dust of Babylon is in the air, And settles on my lips the while I sing. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《旅行日志之之五·我腻歪李子樱桃》(1914)】 异乡人•史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 我腻歪李子樱桃, 还有傍晚水彩画里的新月, 内心难再涌起快乐。 《天堂》或《地狱》异曲同工。
万物皆老。新生燕子安然 乘着逝去九月的翅膀掠过春日黄昏。 巴比伦“神之门”尘土在空中飞扬, 并亲吻着歌唱的我。 【注】过完阳历年,今天到了纽约仔春季返校的日子,大学生最后一个寒假不停地周旋在阶段性冬雪之间:接回家时,“你是流年之中唯一的快乐暖风”;送离家时,“我只剩冬天”! 噢,这里援引莎翁十四行诗第97首的第一句,同一诗行存有各种拿捏,就像对冬天的理解并非限于字义本身。 How like a winter hath my absence been.——Shakespeare's Sonnet 97 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2016 MLK Jr. Tribute Concert(初中二年级—纪念马丁·路德·金音乐会) 2nd Storm w/ 1-in/2.5-cm Snow Dropped on Christmas Eve
(平安夜上第二次冬雪·1英尺/2.5厘米 12-24-2024)
Bible Study @ Shujun & Pu's House
(查经聚会 01-04-2025) 
Fellowship (团契 01-04-2025) Hand to the Plow (全力以赴 01-06-2025)

Outside Home Collapsed into Winter on Back-to-School Day (返校日·家门外,冬意渐浓 01-18-2025) 
Back to School (大学三年级寒假后返校前 01-20-2024) 
The Sophomore Back to School on Lunar New Year's Day (大二生兔年春节当天返校前 01-22-2023)
Sending-off @ Penn Station @ Peter Francisco Park
(“磐石·自由人”公园—大学一年级寒假后送别于山林车站 01-23-2022) Crosslinks(相关博文): 1/20/2024 Snow Pleasure of the Fleeting Year(大三·宾州流年雪乐) 1/22/2023 Back to School on Chinese NY(大学二年级·兔年春节返校日) 1/23/2022 Back-to-School Day in Newark, NJ(大一·返校日于纽瓦克) Senior(大学四年级'2024-25) |