【Aiden in English】
The most annoying thing about the summer in Nanjing is the humidity. It's hot already. Then top it off with a constant layer of warm steam-like moisture coating your skin, and you get the daily climate of Nanjing. It's the feeling of being hot and wet, yet somewhat dry at the same time. Your body is confused, so it sweats, adding to the already building layer of water on the skin. Your mind, also confused, wonders when the next shop with air conditioning will appear. Once it does, and it most likely has Wi-Fi, you make up an excuse to buy something useless or regretful to escape the heat for a moment. And the cycle continues. By the way, we made it to Nanjing. We arrived early in the morning, at 12:00 a.m., and drove to a nearby hotel to sleep five hours due to jet lag. Finishing up the rest of the drive to Nanjing, we got a terrific boutique hotel, Flower Trace (HuaJi), in the Old East Gate. It's a double-edged sword: a good location meant difficulty finding the hotel, but we sorted that out quickly. Food. That's why I'm here. Well, Nanjing cuisine isn't particularly highlighted by the rest of the world, resulting in many great dishes falling through the cracks. I guess today was a bit of education for the uneducated, taught by none other than my mom. Usually, I would complain, but when it comes to food, my only complaint is based on the taste. My hopes are high in that aspect. Perhaps they were a little bit too high. Due to their relative geographical location, much of Nanjing and Beijing have similar cuisines. Furthermore, the first meal I tried resulted in a lot of fritters and congee, which normally is good, but not in this case. Later that night, Mom and I explored the Confucian Temple District, which has the best street food and fantastic nightlife. After eating some nostalgic meals, a walk through the rain ensued, which didn't help with the humidity. I can't stop thinking about how the city looked like a dystopian future where the skies constantly drizzled, and the air smelled smoke. The first sight that characterizes the area is red, which stands amongst other Chinese colors as the fortunate. Lanterns, hundreds dangling from strings stretched across rooftops, sprinkled the black sky canvas with red glows. Shops, bustling with people, took on the effect, emitting a red glare of their own. The last bit of red might be from my sleep deprivation, but I'll never know. Furthermore, rainwater reflected much of the surroundings, filling my vision with red. 【红霞译】
接下来诱人的气味扑鼻而来,显然这跟开放式牌档而非封闭式餐厅有关,国内主要旅游景区除了吃的餐馆没有太多商店好逛,因此香味愈发勾人心魂,不管怎样,我馋得直流口水,还是坐下来赶紧点菜为妙。 夜晚下的这场雨打乱了我们脚步,但尚不至于让整个逛街计划泡汤。明天大概算头一回毋需走很多路,我求之不得,毕竟还有不少暑假作业得抓紧动手。兴许,只是兴许而已,我仍口福不浅,像最近几天这样再搓上一顿。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2018: Nanjing—A Bite of Southern Capital, CN(南京—舌尖上的金陵) 2018: Nanjing Confucian Temple, China(南京夫子庙) 2017: Best of the Rhine, Germany(德国莱茵河—美味佳肴)
2017: Rüdesheim the Chief Wine Industry, DEU(德国吕德斯海姆—酒城) 2017: Rhine—Trechtingshausen to Bingen, DEU(德国莱茵河—从隼堡到女先知) 2017: Rhine—Lorch to Niederheimbach, DEU(德国莱茵河—从死亡岛到桑内克堡) 2017: Rhine—Kaub to Bacharach, DEU(德国莱茵河—从皇宫城堡到维尔纳礼拜堂) 2017: Oberwesel—Schonburg & Ochsenturm, DEU(德国上韦瑟尔—申堡与牛塔) 2017: Loreley—Father Rhine, Germany(德国萝莉莱女妖石—莱茵河之父) 2017: Rhine—Bornhofen to St Goar, DEU(德国莱茵河—从鼠堡到猫堡) 2017: Rhine—Spay to Boppard, DEU(德国莱茵河—从雷司令到葡萄种植园) 2017: Rhine—Koblenz to Lahnstein, DEU(德国莱茵河—从德意志之角到防御重镇) 2017: Marksburg—WWII Only Survivor, DEU(德国莱茵河上二战独存的马克堡) 2017: Braubach—Marksburg Castle, Germany(德国布劳巴赫—马克城堡) 2014: YMCA Camp─Dodgeball-2(基督教青年会夏令营─躲避球之二)
Façade of Huaji Boutique Hotel, Nanjing (南京花迹民俗酒店·外观)
Courtyard of Huaji Boutique Hotel (南京花迹民俗酒店·庭院 08-19-2018) Courtyard of Huaji Boutique Hotel (南京花迹民俗酒店·庭院 08-19-2018)
Courtyard of Huaji Boutique Hotel (南京花迹民俗酒店·庭院 08-19-2018)
Guest Hall of Huaji Boutique Hotel (南京花迹民俗酒店·会客厅 08-19-2018)
Old East Gate Office (老门东街道办事处 08-19-2018) Zhang's Fry Dumplings @ Old East Gate (老门东张氏生煎 08-19-2018)
Reading Pavilion @ Great Grace Bookstore of Librairie Avant-Garde (先锋骏惠书屋·读书亭 08-19-2018) Local Lunch (当地传统午餐 08-19-2018)
Exhibition of Moon-Cake @ Old Gate East (老门东·月饼制作工艺)
Jerky Shop @ Old Gate East (老门东·肉脯店 08-19-2018)
Gateway of Old Gate East (老门东门坊 08-19-2018) Crosslinks(相关博文):
China(出游中国) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |