一、 熱水蒸氣抗病毒 剛從友人收到這份資訊, 因只得英文版,現翻譯供各位參閱。 第一手資料, 大家不妨嘗試。 First hand information, no harm to try. 親愛朋友 Dear friends 我們醫生從感染新冠狀病毒中迅速康復,是因吸入熱水蒸氣 Our Doctor who recovered from Corona illness and recovered in double quick time had inhaled Steam. 現時在治療中心的醫生,已持續每天吸入熱水蒸氣 The doctors at IDH Corona centre too are continually inhaling steam. 熱水蒸氣將肺部、喉嚨及口腔的溫度上升,會令存在那裏的病毒失去活動能力 Steaming raises the temperature of lungs, throat and mouth so that if the virus is already there, it gets inactivate due to high temperature. 是的,病毒會停留在喉嚨是事實 Yes that’s true as viruses sit in the throat first. 所以當有人在你辦公室打噴嚏,當你回家後,你吸入熱水蒸氣及以暖水加鹽漱口 ,一般你都不會感染感冒 That’s why even if there is someone sneezing in your office and you come home and inhale and gargle with warm water and salt, usually you will not get the flu. 我建議任何人可以做的 I recommend for everyone who is able to do it - 1. 若可以,早晚吸入熱水蒸氣 1. Use steam inhalation everyday - morning and evening if possible, 2. 若可以,早晚以暖水加鹽漱口 2. Gargle with warm water and salt daily - morning and evening if possible. 這將會是一個每日的好習慣,會改善你整個人的體質,在疫情過後也可以繼續持續 This is a good daily practice which will improve your overall well-being and can continue even after COVID19 ends. 為他人的好處著想,請將這資訊轉發給你的親人 Please also pass this information for the benefit of others. (ZT) 2、柠檬汁混合后再喝热茶 好消息和特别新闻...越南受害者新冠病毒没有人死亡....超级新闻..已经从越南的国家获得了新冠病毒的药物信息.. 新冠病毒不会导致死亡...事实证明,配方非常简单,但是却非常有效..只需将热开水1绿茶2柠檬..与柠檬汁混合后再喝热茶..可以立即 杀死新冠病毒...并可以从体内完全消除~这两种成分使免疫系统变成碱性..因为当夜幕降临时,人体系统变成酸性...侦探能力也会降低...平均每个人晚上都喝一杯热水和少许柠檬......向所有人分享这一神奇秘诀,功德无量...这个简单的配方非常有效,因为它不会被新冠病毒感染,...祝您好运... (ZT) (仅供参考)