Spring Festival Spring Festival is on the first day of the 1st lunar month. It used to be called New Year Day in China because it is the first day of the year. It is also called the Lunar New Year’s Day. The 1st of January has been stipulated as New Year’s Day since China adopted the Gregorian calendar in the modern times. However, the 1st of the 1st lunar month is called Spring Festival, which is the most important festival in China celebrated nationwide. Spring Festival lasts nearly half month from the eve of the 1st of the 1st lunar month to the 15th . There is a great variety of festival traditions, clothes and food during this period of time. 农历正月初一,我国过去称元旦,这是一年的第一天,又称元辰、端日。 近代我国使用公历以后,将公历1月1日定为元旦,而称农历正月初一为 春节。春节是我国最大、最隆重的节日,举国同庆。春节从除夕到正月十五, 几乎达半月之久,其间的节日传统、节日装饰、饮食文化和娱乐形式极其丰 富多彩。(ZT) (在美国不过春节,我们就请假一天,可以给家里打越洋电话,可以看视频 春晚,吃饺子、吃馄饨、吃烧麦、喝豆汁吃油条、炒年糕、八宝饭,吃各种 中式零食糕点什么好吃吃什么。正月十五,当然要吃圆宵啦。有时也去参加 学生学者联谊会以及华人社区教会举办的春节联欢晚会或聚会。有时给领养 中国孩子的美国人送一点儿童玩具、食品,给美国朋友送一点中式糖果,大家 同喜同乐!) (正月初一当然要烧香拜佛诵经,把所有素食糖果茶水鲜花糕点水果供养给佛菩萨!)