美中兩國,風馬牛不相及。美國人常識和中國人常識不同。因此,不能用自己的常識作為對“政治、經濟、軍事、文化、歷史、傳統………等社會問題的認知和判斷。 中國常識:1、“黨政軍民學、東西南北中,黨是領導一切的”,2、尊一腚、腚一尊,3、襠中央一隻鳥。 上一節講解了美國市場經濟,重點:資本主義是經濟體制,不是社會制度,它和市場經濟等價。 美國之所以成為世界上最發達的國家,是因為美國具有自由主義政治經濟政策之下的市場經濟所產生的最佳社會結構。而聯邦憲法是支撐美國社會的擎天白玉柱,架海紫金梁。 十二、法律原則是: 每個人必須遵循法律、領導人必須守法、政府必須守法、任何人不得高於法律。 約翰.亞當斯(John Adams)是美國國父之一,並且是美國第二任總統。他寫道:美國“是法律的政府而不是人的政府”。任何人或群體不得高於法律。此法律原則意味着:每個人(包括公民和領導人)都必須守法。在美國,《聯邦憲法》是法律原則的基礎。 美利堅合眾國是“憲政式民主”(constitutional democracy)國家。民主與憲法同在。在憲政民主體制下,人民情願守法,因為法律是人民通過他們選擇的代表制定的,只有全體人民受同樣的法律制約,每個人的權力和自由才能得到可靠的保障。法律原則確保政府平等的保護全體人民而不會觸犯某些群體。 12. What is the “rule of law”? Everyone must follow the law. Leaders must obey the law. Government must obey the law. No one is above the law. John Adams was one of the Founding Fathers and the second president of the United States. He wrote that our country is, “a government of laws, and not of men.” No person or group is above the law. The rule of law means that everyone (citizens and leaders) must obey the laws. In the United States, the U.S. Constitution is the foundation for the rule of law. The United States is a “constitutional democracy”(a democracy with a constitution). In constitutional democracies, people are willing to obey the laws because the laws are made by the people through their elected representatives. If all people are governed by the same laws, the individual rights and liberties of each person are better protected. The rule of law helps to make sure that government protects all people equally and does not violate the rights of certain people.