美中两国,风马牛不相及。美国人的常识和中国人的常识完全不同,因此,不能用自己的常识作为对“政治、经济、军事、文化、历史、传统………等社会问题的认知和判断。 中国常识:1、“党政军民学、东西南北中,党是领导一切的”,2、尊一腚、腚一尊,3、裆中央一只鸟。 美国常识足有100条。上一节中给大家介绍了国父们在独立宣言中开列的三大自由,并宣布人从诞生那一时刻期,就具有这三项权力,这些权力任何政府都不得剥夺。政府的存在是为了保障、保护这些权力。因为人民自愿放弃权力给政府,他们随时可以收回这些权力。 十、什么是宗教自由 您可以信仰宗教,也可以不信教。 从西班牙、法国、荷兰、英国以及其它国家来到美国的殖民者,来到美国的原因是多种多样的。其中一个原因是宗教自由。很多这类国家的宗教规则告诉它的臣民,他们必须去指定的教堂并以一定的方式做洗礼。一些不同宗教的人宁可相信自己的自己的宗教规则、并更情愿去自己的教堂。 1620年,清教徒是第一批来到美洲追求宗教自由的群体。 宗教自由对国父们来说非常重要,因此,联邦宪法和人权法案的部分条款中都包含宗教自由。宪法第一修正案即保证宗教自由。 第一修正案的表述如下:“国会不得制定有关建立宗教或禁止宗教活动的相关法律”。 第一修正案还禁止国会建立任何形式的官方宗教,并保障公民信仰宗教或者完全不信教的权力。 10. What is freedom of religion? You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion. Colonists from Spain, France, Holland, England, and other countries came to America for many different reasons. One of the reasons was religious freedom. The rulers of many of these countries told their citizens that they must go to a certain church and worship in a certain way. Some people had different religious beliefs than their rulers and wanted to have their own churches. In 1620, the Pilgrims were the first group that came to America seeking religious freedom. Religious freedom was also important to the Framers. For this reason, freedom of religion was included in the Constitution as part of the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion. The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The First Amendment also prohibits Congress from setting up an official U.S. religion, and protects citizens’ rights to hold any religious belief, or none at all.