美中两国,风马牛不相及。美国人的常识和中国人的常识完全不同,因此,不能用自己的常识作为对“政治、经济、军事、文化、历史、传统………等社会问题的认知和判断。 那位问了,难道美国人就不吃饭、不拉屎么?吃喝拉撒睡,人都是一样滴!靠,您问得有理,不过回答这个问题,无须在下兄弟我劳心费力,我家的狗就可以代劳,只因猪狗在吃喝拉撒睡上和人一摸一样。不仅如此,狗比习二中国人聪明,最起码用不着“厕所革命”,也不用擦屁股纸。 中国人的常识建立在极为简单的基础之上,三句话,1、“党政军民学、东西南北中,党是领导一切的”,2、尊于一腚、定于一尊,3、裆中央一只鸟。 在美国常识三中,我们知道了《联邦宪法》中最重要的开头三个字是:We the people,及其内涵。这里要提醒大家注意一下之前所有的对“self-government”中文翻译都是错误的!正确的翻译是“自己的政府”而不是什么“自制政府”,个中原由,大家自己领会。 另外在美国常识一中,Framers也不宜翻译成设计师,应该翻译成“框架设计者”或“框架师”。 四、什么是宪法修正案? 答案:对《联邦宪法》的修改;《联邦宪法》的附加条款 修正案是对联邦宪法的修改或者增删。联邦宪法的框架设计者们(国父们)知道,随着国家的成长,宪法是需要修改的。但作为国家最高法律,不能让修改宪法过于容易。国父们不希望破坏或改变宪法本身的内涵和含义。因此,国父们决定:修正案的通过只有两种途径: 1、国会参众两院的2/3多数同意; 2、特别会议通过,特别会议由2/3以上的州组成。 修正案在国会或特别会议通过以后,该修正案还必须被2/3以上的州立法机构接受,另外,通过特别会议通过的修正案,必须得到3/4以上的州的认可。 并非所有立案的修正案都能通过,美国历史上曾经有6次,国会通过的修正案因没有被足够多的州所接受而不能批准。 4、What is an amendment? a change (to the Constitution) an addition (to the Constitution) An amendment is a change or addition to the Constitution. The Framers of the Constitution knew that laws can change as a country grows. They did not want to make it too easy to modify the Constitution, the supreme law of the land. The Framers also did not want the Constitution to lose its meaning. For this reason, the Framers decided that Congress could pass amendments in only two ways: by a two-thirds vote in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives or by a special convention. A special convention has to be requested by two-thirds of the states. After an amendment has passed in Congress or by a special convention, the amendment must then be ratified (accepted) by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states. The amendment can also be ratified by a special convention in three-fourths of the states. Not all proposed amendments are ratified. Six times in U.S. history amendments have passed in Congress but were not approved by enough states to be ratified.