这是我几年前画的我母亲的一张画, 根据她年青时拍的一张黑白照, 用水彩泼墨的方法,只用了红黄蓝三色。背景是上海。
她从小就很美,因很早失去了父母, 进入了宋庆龄创办的儿童社会福利院,后来进了上海儿艺和上海戏剧学院, 最后追随我父亲来到北京的中戏学习舞美。她的命运随着我父亲的遭殃而变得十分不幸。 用红颜薄命来形容她一点儿不为过。想起她我的心情就十分沉重。

I humbly appraise my mother's worth,
It began with pain to give me birth,
Which triggered off a love so strong,
Blossoming into a life-long bond.
When needed, she was always there,
Someone I realised would always care.
And the older I got the more I knew,
A mother's love sincere and true.
Now as I watch Mum age in years,
I'm happy to help and ease her fears.
Privileged now to play my part,
As she did for me from the very start.