这几天有个富有争议的的事件和人物在网上持续发酵。这就是联合保险的CEO被害案。一般来说,现代文明社会,杀人犯毫无疑问都会被谴责的。而此人的网上评价却出现两极化。谴责他的是秉持着人的生命不容被剥夺no matter what的道德标准;反之,杀手因刺杀了一个“谋财害命”的美国大保险集团CEO被无数人赋予替天行道的当代罗宾汉的称号。
联合保险也是我家的医疗保险。对此保险,我家人受益良多,没啥可抱怨的。但是它臭名昭著,我这样说是基于我从我的几个医生的对待联合保险的态度中得知。 首先我的家庭医生,坚决不再接受联保的病人,即使是我的,她的长期用户的女儿。原因是她无法从联保受益。一句话,拿不到钱。 第二,我的常年的眼科医生,去年底在我去做年检后,给了我一份我个人的眼科资料,并和蔼地告知,请另寻高就。也就是把我踢了出去!原因同上。 好在,女儿和我都很快找到了其他接收的医生。阿弥陀佛! 但是网上如潮水般的谴责,对联保不顾及大众的健康,收取高昂医保费用时毫不手软,但是在需要他们偿付医疗费用时,却如同铁公鸡一般冷酷无情。医生哀嚎的结果就是患者被拒之门外而得不到及时治疗,有的因此遭受长期的痛苦甚至丧命。据传杀手就是受害者之一。(网传路易吉,这个杀手,因长期的背部疾病得不到治疗导致影响到他,一个正值二十多岁的小伙子的个人生活包括性生活。) 有人说,路易吉只杀了一个人;而联保是谋害了无数人性命的刽子手。
我其实今天谈这个,是要说到一个网红吉他演奏者,被誉为当代的鲍勃迪伦,他因用音乐针砭时政而得到关注。目前这件联保CEO被杀事件,被他写进了他的音乐并演奏且迅速在网上流传, 他之前最出名的是一首俄乌反战歌曲, 有兴趣的可以去关注。 下面就是唱联保的网红歌曲:
there’s an office in a building and a person in a chair and you paid for em both though you may be unaware you paid for the paper you paid for the phone you paid for everything they need to deny u wut yer owed there aint no u in united health
there aint no me in the company
there aint no us in the private trust there’s hardly humans in humanity no the procedure that yer needing aint the cost effective route and only two percent of people
end up winnin a dispute so if u get sick
pray to god for help cause yer doctor’s gotta pray thru
united health
waay back in 70 and 7
mr richard t burke
started buyin hmo’s puttin federal grants to work
made 50 billion buckaroos last yr
the warren buffet of health the jeff bezos of fear now ceo’s come and go and one jus went
the ingredients ya got
bake the cake ya get
but if u get sick
cross yer fingers fer luck cus ole richard t burke
aint givin a fuck commoditized health
monopolized fraud “here’s the doctors we own” “here’s the research we bought” they own the pharmacies and alotta the meds
they should start buying graves
to sell us when we’re all dead
there aint no u in united health there aint no me in the company there aint no us in the private trust there’s hardly humans in humanity
there’s hardly humans in humanity