| 生命的长大七): 对付人的灵_2 |
生命的长大(七): 对付人的灵_1
路九54~55 他的门徒雅各、约翰看见了,就说,主阿,你要我们吩咐火从天上降下
English Version:
Luke 9:54-55 "And seeing this, the disciples James and John said, Lord,
do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?
But turning, He rebuked them and said, You do not
know of what kind of spirit you are."
In God’s original arrangement for man, He placed the spirit of man above
his soul and body in order that man might live by the spirit, on one hand
exercising the spirit to contact God and be ruled by Him, and on the other
hand exercising the spirit to control his whole being. But after the fall,
the body and the soul usurped the position of the spirit so that man no
longer lived by the spirit but by the flesh and the soul....When God comes
to save man, His Spirit enters into man’s spirit so that it might be revived
and strengthened, enabling man to live again by the spirit. Nevertheless,
the spirit of man is surrounded by the flesh, selfopinion, and the natural
constitution, plus the fact that man is so accustomed to live by these;
therefore, God requires that man, through the killing effect of the Lord’s
cross, put all these to death, dealing with them and breaking them, so that
there will be some crack or opening for the spirit to come forth. When man’s
spirit comes forth, it brings forth also the Spirit of God. Thus, man can
live by the spirit, directing his soul, controlling his body, being a genuine
man, living and acting, worshipping, and serving God by the spirit. (The Experience of Life, pp.
If the spirit itself is not filthy, why does it sometimes manifest itself
in an unclean and improper manner? It is because the spirit must pass through
many of our inward parts when it comes forth. Within the inward parts is
filthiness so that when the spirit passes through them, it is defiled, and
thus the filthiness is brought forth also. Therefore when the spirit is released
and manifested, it exhibits certain defiled and improper conditions.
The spirit in our innermost part is pure and undefiled. However, surrounding
the spirit are the soul and body, both of which have been mixed with the
wicked elements of Satan and are thus filthy and corrupt. Therefore, when
the spirit comes forth and passes through the soul and body, it becomes
contaminated by this filthiness and corruption. Hence, when being manifested,
the spirit bears certain filthiness, corruption, impurity, impropriety,
and various other undesirable conditions. If a person
is proud in his soul, the spirit also manifests itself in pride; if a person
is angry in the flesh, his spirit also reveals the anger. We often encounter
the spirit of anxiety, the spirit of jealousy, a crooked spirit, or a rude
spirit, all of which are not the problem of the spirit itself, but the defiling
influence of the undesirable elements of the soul and body upon the spirit
as it passes through them. We can tell the kind of defilement from the kind
of spirit, and the kind of spirit reveals the kind of man.
In the Bible man’s spirit is neutral. Its characteristics take on that
of the outer man, that is, the characteristics of the soul. The spirit itself
transcends good and bad, right and wrong, yes and no, and good and evil.
The spirit is the new capacity that God gives to the believers. It is special
in the sense that it bears no characteristics of its own. It takes its characteristics
from other things....In one sense it does not have any characteristics of
its own, but in another sense it does have its characteristics. Its characteristics
are the characteristics of our soul. We judge the characteristics of the
spirit by the characteristics of the things that are attached to it....The
kind of person we are produces the kind of characteristics our spirit carries.
Many times the brothers and sisters are right in their words and conduct,
but their spirit is wrong because their very person is wrong. How can we
have a right spirit? A man’s spirit carries his own taste and color. When
our spirit is released, it expresses the tastes and color of our very person.
In order to be right in our spirit, we have to go through dealings. The
quality of a man determines the quality of his spirit.
Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 62, ch. 41
生命的长大(八): 对付人的灵_3