保罗的完成职事(30): 神儿女生命长大_2
约一 12『凡接受他的,就是信入他名的人,他就赐他们权柄,成为神的儿女。』
罗十二 2『不要模仿这世代,反要借着心思的更新而变化,叫你们验证何为神那美好、可喜悦、并纯全的旨意。』
既然重生的意思是由神而生,自然重生就使我们成为神的儿女(约一 12~13)。我们是神的儿女,神是我们的父。我们借着重生所接受的神圣生命,就是我们得作神儿女的权柄。这生命也保证,借着我们魂的变化和身体的荣化,有一天我们要享受完满的儿子名分(译自『甚么是重生』英文小册─中文尚未出书)。
圣灵在我们里面的变化不是一时所能完成 的 …,乃是一生之久才能成就的( 林后四16~17)。我们天天接触主,就得着他复活生命新鲜供应的滋养,而得以不断的更新…变化(神生命的救恩,四一至四二页)。
变化乃是一种新陈代谢的改变。就着物质的身体来说,新陈代谢是指细胞里排除旧素质,加上新素质的过程。这种改变应用到魂里,就是新约所说的『变化』(林后三 18,罗十二 2)。…变化乃是生命的改变,而不仅仅是外表的改变。神圣的成分加到我们里面,取代了老旧属人的成分。这种生机的改变发生在我们的魂里。
John 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He
gave the authority to become children ofGod, to those who believe into His
Rom. 12:2 And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the
renewing of the mind that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is
and well pleasing and perfect.
It is a great miracle that a sinner can be made a son of God in an instant.
Regeneration and being filled with the
Spirit essentially and economically are very normal, but they are also miraculous
to the uttermost. They are miraculous normalities. (Elders' Training, Book 9: The
Eldership and the God-ordained Way (1), p. 32)
Since regeneration means to be born of God, it automatically causes us
to become the children of God (John 1:12-13). We are His children and He is our
Father. The divine life we receive through regeneration is our authority to be
His children. It is also a guarantee that one day, through the transformation
of our soul and the glorification of our body, we shall enjoy full sonship.
(What Is Regeneration? pp. 12-13)
The matured believers will be glorified from within through the lifelong
saturation with the glory of God and from without through their being brought
into God's glory.
Whereas the inner saturating is a lifelong process, our being brought
into God's glory outwardly will be instantaneous. In an instant, in the twinkling
of an eye, we will be brought into God's glory. (The Secret of God's Organic
Spirit Himself with Our Spirit," p. 69)
The transformation within us by the Holy Spirit cannot be accomplished
in an instant....[It] is achieved throughout our entire life (2 Cor. 4:16-17).
When we contact the Lord daily, we receive the nutrients freshly
supplied by His resurrection life. Thus, we will be renewed and transformed in
a continuing way. (God's Salvation in Life, p. 40)When we believed on the Lord
Jesus and called on His name, He as the life-giving Spirit entered into our
spirit and regenerated it. Since then, the Triune God has indwelt our spirit.
Thus, in spirit we are one with Him.
Now there is the need for Him to spread from our spirit into our soul.
When He as the life-giving Spirit has spread into our soul and saturated it, we
are transformed. Transformation is the saturation of our soul by the Triune
God. Regeneration is a birth in our spirit; transformation, a saturation in our
Transformation is a metabolic change. In the physical body metabolism
refers to the processes in cells by which old materials are discharged and new
are added. This change, applied to the soul, is called in the New Testament
transformation (2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 12:2)....Transformation is a change in life,
not merely in appearance. The divine element is added to us; this discharges
the old human element. This organic
change takes place in our soul.
Our spirit, then, needs regeneration; our soul, transformation. In all
the churches the saints should be concerned about this metabolic change in life
through the spreading of the divine Spirit. (The Completing Ministry of Paul,
pp. 65-66)
Transformation i s not any kind of out ward correction or adjustment....Transformation is
a kind of metabolism, by the addition of the element of the divine life of
Christ into the believers' being, to be expressed outwardly in the image of
Christ....The way to have...a healthy complexion is not to apply cosmetics but
to eat nourishing food and then to digest and assimilate it metabolically. If
we eat properly, the food we digest and assimilate will supply us with a new
element which will eventually produce an outward and visible change in our
facial color. The principle is the same with transformation. Transformation is
a matter of inward metabolism
issuing in an outward expression. (The
Secret of God's Organic Salvation─“the Spirit Himself with Our Spirit," p.
Further Reading: God's Salvation in
Life, chs. 1-2, 4; What Is Regeneration?
保罗的完成职事(31): 神儿女的生命长大_3
保罗的完成职事(29): 重生,魂变化,生命长大